11 K0430 Issue No. 2Cal Mode (DPI 615 versions only)Cal mode, which is available in tasks P-I, P-P, P-V, P-P, P-DISPLAY and P-SWITCH, providesa method of setting up test parameters manually. Downloaded test procedures can alsoautomatically set up and turn on the Cal Mode function. The method of turning on andsetting up Cal Mode is shown below for a P-I task. A similar method can be used for allthe other tasks applicable to the Cal Mode function.Pressing the F1 key (TURN ON CAL MODE), provides the set-up screen for the CAL mode.Initially, the cursor is placed in the UUT SPAN field to allow the required span range to beentered. The corresponding values for the UUT output parameter (current) are then set,followed by the maximum error value and error type (%rdg or % span). When all testparameters have been set-up, the screen changes to display the input and output andthe test results. The test result can only be displayed to within a range of ±9.99%. If thetest result is outside this range, either the left pointing (-ve error) or right pointing (+veerror) chevrons are displayed. Within this error band, the actual tolerance value isdisplayed. Test results can either be stored as snapshots or logged as data log files,depending on how the instrument has been set-up.Basic Mode (Task BASIC)This instrument will power-up in this mode the first time that it is used. To select BASICfrom any other task, press the TASK key and select BASIC and press the ENTER key.BASIC mode is fully described in the Getting Started, section (see page 7).0.002000.00OUTPUTMAX. ERRORERROR TYPECHANGEVALUEpsi=====mA4.0020.00LINEAR0.05%% spanP I SELECT VALUEpsimATASK : P-IDATALOG 24V OFF........... %span FAILTURN OFFCAL MODETURN ONCAL MODEmATASK : P-IDATALOG24V OFF..........psiTask Selection