33 K0430 Issue No. 2Downloading Procedure Files (DPI 615 instruments only)WARNINGTHE RS232 INTERFACE MUST ONLY BE USED IN A SAFE AREAComplete test procedures may be downloaded from a PC to the DPI 615 instrument viathe RS232 port. A procedure consists of a number of Druck Universal CommandInterface (DUCI) commands that are usually assembled by a linking managementsoftware application (e.g.) Druck Intecal.Before downloading a procedure, the instrument must be in the REMOTE mode. To placethe instrument into REMOTE mode, proceed as follows.• Connect the instrument’s RS232 port to a free COM port on a PC.• Make sure that the COMMS parameters of the PC match those of the instrument(refer to page 38).• Make sure that the instrument is not already running a procedure. If it is, quit theprocedure.• Download the procedure. Procedures are stored in the Data Log directory.The following sequence shows a typical download sequence that starts with theinstrument in LOCAL mode.After the procedure file has been downloaded, the instrument is usually returned to theLOCAL mode by the last command in the procedure file. If the instrument remains inREMOTE mode, switch it OFF and ON to reset it.Memory Operations Datalog