K0430 Issue No. 2 12Pressure Transmitter (P-I) TaskSelect the P-I task from the task menu and connect the Unit Under Test (UUT) to thecalibrator as shown below:A - External pressure source (indicator instruments only) B - Pressure regulatorC - Pressure to current device D - Barrier E - External supply F - Safe Area• If required, select the output units as described on page 10.• If applicable, turn on Cal Mode and set-up test parameters as detailed on page 11.Voltage Output Pressure Transmitter (P-V) TaskSelect the P-V task from the task menu and connect the Unit Under Test (UUT) to theinstrument as shown below:A - External pressure source (indicator instruments only) B - Pressure regulatorC - Pressure to voltage device D - Barrier E - External supply F - Safe Area• If required, select the output units as described on page 10.• If applicable, turn on Cal Mode and set-up test parameters as detailed on page 11.ABPRESSURE INT barCURRENT mATASK : P-ISNAPSHOT MODEDPI 615 ISF2F1 EXITMax 30VCAT II3PI+-+-CDEDFPV+ABPRESSURE INT barVOLTAGEF2F1 EXITVCURRENT PRESSUREUNITSMax 30VCAT IITASK: BASICDPI 615 ISCD3 --+ +--CDEFDTaking Measurements