5-28 F60 Feeder Management Relay GE Multilin5.2 PRODUCT SETUP 5 SETTINGS5Changing any setting affecting Data Logger operation will clear any data that is currently in the log.• DATA LOGGER MODE: This setting configures the mode in which the data logger will operate. When set to “Continu-ous”, the data logger will actively record any configured channels at the rate as defined by the DATA LOGGER RATE. Thedata logger will be idle in this mode if no channels are configured. When set to “Trigger”, the data logger will begin torecord any configured channels at the instance of the rising edge of the DATA LOGGER TRIGGER source FlexLogic™operand. The Data Logger will ignore all subsequent triggers and will continue to record data until the active record isfull. Once the data logger is full a CLEAR DATA LOGGER command is required to clear the data logger record before anew record can be started. Performing the CLEAR DATA LOGGER command will also stop the current record and resetthe data logger to be ready for the next trigger.• DATA LOGGER TRIGGER: This setting selects the signal used to trigger the start of a new data logger record. AnyFlexLogic™ operand can be used as the trigger source. The DATA LOGGER TRIGGER setting only applies when themode is set to “Trigger”.• DATA LOGGER RATE: This setting selects the time interval at which the actual value data will be recorded.• DATA LOGGER CHNL 1(16): This setting selects the metering actual value that is to be recorded in Channel 1(16) ofthe data log. The parameters available in a given relay are dependent on: the type of relay, the type and number of CT/VT hardware modules installed, and the type and number of Analog Input hardware modules installed. Upon startup,the relay will automatically prepare the parameter list. A list of all possible analog metering actual value parameters isshown in Appendix A: FlexAnalog Parameters. The parameter index number shown in any of the tables is used toexpedite the selection of the parameter on the relay display. It can be quite time-consuming to scan through the list ofparameters via the relay keypad/display – entering this number via the relay keypad will cause the correspondingparameter to be displayed.• DATA LOGGER CONFIG: This display presents the total amount of time the Data Logger can record the channels notselected to “Off” without over-writing old data.Table 5–2: DATA LOGGER STORAGE CAPACITY EXAMPLESAMPLING RATE CHANNELS DAYS STORAGE CAPACITY15 ms 1 0.1 1119 s8 0.1 140 s9 0.1 124 s16 0.1 70 s1000 ms 1 0.7 65658 s8 0.1 8207 s9 0.1 7295 s16 0.1 4104 s60000 ms 1 45.4 3931397 s8 5.6 491425 s9 5 436822 s16 2.8 245712 s3600000 ms 1 2727.5 235875737 s8 340.9 29484467 s9 303 26208415 sNOTE