GE Multilin F60 Feeder Management Relay 3-113 HARDWARE 3.2 WIRING3Figure 3–12: CT/VT MODULE WIRINGFigure 3–13: CT HI-Z MODULE WIRINGWherever a tilde “~” symbol appears, substitute with the Slot Position of the module.A feeder relay with the high impedance fault detection (Hi-Z) element typically includes two CT/VT modules: oneType 8F or 8G and one Type 8Z. For correct operation of the Hi-Z element, the ground current terminals of the twoCT modules must be connected to a ground current source, either a zero-sequence CT (see the Typical Wiring Dia-gram with Hi-Z earlier in this chapter) or, if a zero-sequence CT is not available, to the neutral conductor of thePhase CTs (see the following diagram).Figure 3–14: TYPICAL 8Z MODULE WIRING WITH PHASE CTS827831AA-X5.CDR827831AA-X3.CDR827831AA-X2.CDRNOTENOTE832752A3.CDR7c8c8b8a5c5b5a7b7a3c4b4a4c1c2b2a6b6a6c2c1b1a3b3aCURRENT INPUTS NOT USED8ZMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMIAIBICIGIA5IA1IB5IC5IG5IB1IC1IG1ABCPOSITIVE WATTS (5 Amp CT)528F / 8G8c8a7c5a5c6a7a6cVXVAVBVCVOLTAGE INPUTSVXVAVBVC1cFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF3c3bCURRENT INPUTS2c4c1a4b4a1b2a3a2bIAIBICIGIA5IA1IB5IC5IG5IB1IC1IG1