5-216 F60 Feeder Protection System GE Multilin5.7 INPUTS/OUTPUTS 5 SETTINGS5Assume that Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent 1 is used by Devices 2, 3, and 4 to block Device 1. If not blocked, Device 1would trip the bus upon detecting a fault and applying a short coordination time delay.The following settings should be applied (assume Bit 3 is used by all 3 devices to sent the blocking signal and Direct Inputs7, 8, and 9 are used by the receiving device to monitor the three blocking signals):UR IED 2: DIRECT OUT 3 OPERAND: " PHASE IOC1 OP "UR IED 3: DIRECT OUT 3 OPERAND: " PHASE IOC1 OP "UR IED 4: DIRECT OUT 3 OPERAND: " PHASE IOC1 OP "UR IED 1: DIRECT INPUT 7 DEVICE ID: "2"DIRECT INPUT 7 BIT NUMBER: "3"DIRECT INPUT 7 DEFAULT STATE: select "On" for security, select "Off" for dependabilityDIRECT INPUT 8 DEVICE ID: "3"DIRECT INPUT 8 BIT NUMBER: "3"DIRECT INPUT 8 DEFAULT STATE: select "On" for security, select "Off" for dependabilityDIRECT INPUT 9 DEVICE ID: "4"DIRECT INPUT 9 BIT NUMBER: "3"DIRECT INPUT 9 DEFAULT STATE: select "On" for security, select "Off" for dependabilityNow the three blocking signals are available in UR IED 1 as DIRECT INPUT 7 ON , DIRECT INPUT 8 ON , and DIRECT INPUT 9ON . Upon losing communications or a device, the scheme is inclined to block (if any default state is set to “On”), or to tripthe bus on any overcurrent condition (all default states set to “Off”).EXAMPLE 2: PILOT-AIDED SCHEMESConsider a three-terminal line protection application shown in the figure below.Figure 5–115: THREE-TERMINAL LINE APPLICATIONAssume the Hybrid Permissive Overreaching Transfer Trip (Hybrid POTT) scheme is applied using the architecture shownbelow. The scheme output operand HYB POTT TX1 is used to key the permission.Figure 5–116: SINGLE-CHANNEL OPEN-LOOP CONFIGURATION842713A1.CDRUR IED 1 UR IED 2UR IED 3842714A1.CDRUR IED 1TX1RX1UR IED 2RX2TX2RX1TX1UR IED 3RX1TX1