6-18 F60 Feeder Protection System GE Multilin6.3 METERING 6 ACTUAL VALUES6The metered values for real, reactive, and apparent power, as well as power factor, are displayed in this menu. The "SRC1" text will be replaced by whatever name was programmed by the user for the associated source (see SETTINGS ÖØ SYS-TEM SETUP ÖØ SIGNAL SOURCES).g) ENERGY METERINGPATH: ACTUAL VALUES ÖØ METERING Ö SOURCE SRC 1 ÖØ ENERGYThe metered values for real and reactive energy are displayed in this menu. The "SRC 1" text will be replaced by whatevername was programmed by the user for the associated source (see SETTINGS ÖØ SYSTEM SETUP ÖØ SIGNAL SOURCES).Because energy values are accumulated, these values should be recorded and then reset immediately prior to changingCT or VT characteristics.h) DEMAND METERINGPATH: ACTUAL VALUES ÖØ METERING Ö SOURCE SRC 1 ÖØ DEMANDMESSAGE SRC 1 APPARENT PWRφa: 0.000 VAMESSAGE SRC 1 APPARENT PWRφb: 0.000 VAMESSAGE SRC 1 APPARENT PWRφc: 0.000 VAMESSAGE SRC 1 POWER FACTOR3φ: 1.000MESSAGE SRC 1 POWER FACTORφa: 1.000MESSAGE SRC 1 POWER FACTORφb: 1.000MESSAGE SRC 1 POWER FACTORφc: 1.000 ENERGY SRC 1SRC 1 POS WATTHOUR:0.000 WhMESSAGE SRC 1 NEG WATTHOUR:0.000 WhMESSAGE SRC 1 POS VARHOUR:0.000 varhMESSAGE SRC 1 NEG VARHOUR:0.000 varh DEMAND SRC 1SRC 1 DMD IA:0.000 AMESSAGE SRC 1 DMD IA MAX:0.000 AMESSAGE SRC 1 DMD IA DATE:2001/07/31 16:30:07MESSAGE SRC 1 DMD IB:0.000 AMESSAGE SRC 1 DMD IB MAX:0.000 A