B-32 L60 Line Phase Comparison System GE MultilinB.4 MEMORY MAPPING APPENDIX BB60AB Positive-Sequence Current Fault Detector Block 0 to 4294967295 --- 1 F300 060AD Positive-Sequence Current Fault Detector Target 0 to 2 --- 1 F109 0 (Self-reset)60AE Positive-Sequence Current Fault Detector Events 0 to 1 --- 1 F102 0 (Disabled)Phase Comparison Open Breaker Keying (Read/Write Grouped Setting)60C0 Open Breaker Keying 0 to 1 --- 1 F102 0 (Disabled)60C1 Breaker 1 Auxiliary Contact 0 to 4294967295 --- 1 F300 060C3 Breaker 1 Supervision Element 0 to 4294967295 --- 1 F300 060C5 Breaker 2 Auxiliary Contact 0 to 4294967295 --- 1 F300 060C7 Breaker 2 Supervision Element 0 to 4294967295 --- 1 F300 060C9 Weak-Infeed Keying 0 to 4294967295 --- 1 F300 060CB Supervision Element 0 to 4294967295 --- 1 F300 060CD Infeed Pickup Delay 0 to 50 s 0.001 F001 060CE Infeed Reset Delay 0 to 50 s 0.001 F001 3560CF Open Breaker Keying Pickup Delay 0 to 50 s 0.001 F001 060D0 Open Breaker Keying Reset Delay 0 to 50 s 0.001 F001 0Phase Comparison Trip Scheme (Read/Write Grouped Setting)60E0 87PC Function 0 to 1 --- 1 F102 0 (Disabled)60E1 87PC Channel Loss 0 to 500 ms 1 F001 060E2 87PC Block 0 to 4294967295 --- 1 F300 060E4 87PC Target 0 to 2 --- 1 F109 0 (Self-reset)60E5 87PC Events 0 to 1 --- 1 F102 0 (Disabled)60E6 87PC Scheme Select 0 to 8 --- 1 F088 0 (2TL-TR-SPC-2FC)60E7 87PC Scheme Signal 0 to 2 --- 1 F150 0 (MIXED I_2 -K*I_1)60E8 87PC Signal Source 0 to 1 --- 1 F089 0 (One SourceCurrent)60E9 87PC FDL Pickup 0.02 to 15 pu 0.01 F001 5060EB 87PC FDH Pickup 0.05 to 15 pu 0.01 F001 7560EC 87PC Mixed Signal K 0 to 0.25 --- 0.01 F001 2060F0 87PC Phase Delay Channel 1 0 to 30 ms 0.1 F001 060F2 87PC Phase Delay Channel 2 0 to 30 ms 0.1 F001 060F8 87PC Transient Pickup 0 to 65.535 s 0.001 F001 3060FD 87PC Asymmetry Channel 1 -5 to 5 ms 0.1 F002 06104 87PC Asymmetry Channel 2 -5 to 5 ms 0.1 F002 06106 87PC Stability Angle 40 to 140 degrees 5 F001 756107 87PC Transient Reset 0 to 65.535 s 0.001 F001 306108 87PC Received Volts Channel 1 0 to 125 V 0.1 F001 1206109 87PC Received Volts Channel 2 0 to 125 V 0.1 F001 120610A 87PC High-Speed Contact 1 0 to 64 --- 1 F490 0610B 87PC High-Speed Contact 2 0 to 64 --- 1 F490 0610C 87PC FDL AUX 0 to 4294967295 --- 1 F300 0610E 87PC FDH AUX 0 to 4294967295 --- 1 F300 06110 87PC Reset Delay 0 to 200 ms 1 F001 306111 87PC Mixed Signal Reference Angle 0 to 359 degrees 1 F001 06112 87PC Trip Security 0 to 1 --- 1 F534 0 (FirstCoincidence)6113 87PC Second Coincidence Timer 10 to 200 ms 1 F001 406114 87PC Enhanced Stability Angle 40 to 180 degrees 5 F001 1106115 87PC FDH Supervision 0 to 4294967295 --- 1 F300 06117 87PC Pickup Delay 0 to 50 ms 1 F001 06118 87PC Stop Tx 0 to 4294967295 --- 1 F300 0611A 87PC Tx Reset Delay 0 to 1000 ms 1 F001 0Negative Sequence Time Overcurrent (Read/Write Grouped Setting) (2 modules)6300 Negative Sequence Time Overcurrent 1 Function 0 to 1 --- 1 F102 0 (Disabled)Table B–10: MODBUS MEMORY MAP (Sheet 24 of 59)ADDR REGISTER NAME RANGE UNITS STEP FORMAT DEFAULT