GE Multilin L60 Line Phase Comparison System B-45APPENDIX B B.4 MEMORY MAPPINGB943C ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 69448 ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 79454 ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 89460 ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 9946C ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 109478 ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 119484 ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 129490 ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 13949C ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 1494A8 ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 1594B4 ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 1694C0 ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 1794CC ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 1894D8 ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 1994E4 ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 2094F0 ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 2194FC ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 229508 ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 239514 ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 249520 ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 25952C ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 269538 ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 279544 ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 289550 ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 29955C ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 309568 ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 319574 ...Repeated for Direct Input/Output 32IEC 61850 Received Integers (Read/Write Setting) (16 modules)98A0 IEC 61850 GOOSE uinteger 1 Default Value 0 to 429496295 --- 1 F003 100098A2 IEC 61850 GOOSE uinteger Input 1 Mode 0 to 1 --- 1 F491 0 (DefaultValue)98A3 ...Repeated for IEC61850 GOOSE uinteger 298A6 ...Repeated for IEC61850 GOOSE uinteger 398A9 ...Repeated for IEC61850 GOOSE uinteger 498AC ...Repeated for IEC61850 GOOSE uinteger 598AF ...Repeated for IEC61850 GOOSE uinteger 698B2 ...Repeated for IEC61850 GOOSE uinteger 798B5 ...Repeated for IEC61850 GOOSE uinteger 898B8 ...Repeated for IEC61850 GOOSE uinteger 998BB ...Repeated for IEC61850 GOOSE uinteger 1098BE ...Repeated for IEC61850 GOOSE uinteger 1198C1 ...Repeated for IEC61850 GOOSE uinteger 1298C4 ...Repeated for IEC61850 GOOSE uinteger 1398C7 ...Repeated for IEC61850 GOOSE uinteger 1498CA ...Repeated for IEC61850 GOOSE uinteger 1598CD ...Repeated for IEC61850 GOOSE uinteger 16FlexElement Actual Values (Read Only) (8 modules)9000 FlexElement 1 Actual -2147483.647 to 2147483.647 --- 0.001 F004 09902 FlexElement 2 Actual -2147483.647 to 2147483.647 --- 0.001 F004 09904 FlexElement 3 Actual -2147483.647 to 2147483.647 --- 0.001 F004 09906 FlexElement 4 Actual -2147483.647 to 2147483.647 --- 0.001 F004 09908 FlexElement 5 Actual -2147483.647 to 2147483.647 --- 0.001 F004 0990A FlexElement 6 Actual -2147483.647 to 2147483.647 --- 0.001 F004 0990C FlexElement 7 Actual -2147483.647 to 2147483.647 --- 0.001 F004 0Table B–10: MODBUS MEMORY MAP (Sheet 37 of 59)ADDR REGISTER NAME RANGE UNITS STEP FORMAT DEFAULT