Setting P44x/EN ST/Hb6MiCOM P40 Agile P442, P444 (ST) 4-774.4 Programmable LED output mappingThe default mappings for each of the programmable LEDs are as shown in the followingtable:LEDNo. P442 Relay P444 Relay1 Any Trip A Any Trip A2 Any Trip B Any Trip B3 Any Trip C Any Trip C4 Any Start Any Start5 Z1+Aided Trip Z1+Aided Trip6 Dist Fwd Dist Fwd7 Dist Rev Dist Rev8 A/R Enable A/R EnableNote: All the LEDs are latched in the default PSL4.5 Fault recorder triggerThe default PSL trigger which initiates a fault record is shown in the following table:P442 Relay P444 RelayAny Start Any StartAny Trip Any TripIf the fault recorder trigger is not assigned in the PSL, no Fault recorder can be initiated anddisplayed in the list by the LCD front panel.