Application Notes P44x/EN AP/Hb6MiCOM P40 Agile P442, P444 (AP) 5-61Note: For DEF the logic used will depend upon which settings are enabled:• Same channel (shared)In this case, the DEF channel is the Main Distance channel signal (the scheme & contacts ofcarrier received will be identical)• Independent channel (2 Different channels) – (2 independent contacts)3.2.7 Trip on Reclose (TOR) / Switch On To Fault (SOTF) modesSwitch on to fault protection (SOTF) is provided for high speed clearance of any detectedfault immediately following manual closure of the circuit breaker. SOTF protection remainsenabled for 500ms following circuit breaker closure, detected via the CB Man Close input orCB close with CB control or Internal detection with all poles dead (see Figure 40), or for theduration of the close pulse on internal detection.Instantaneous three pole tripping (and auto-reclose blocking) can also be selectedTrip on reclose protection (TOR) is provided for high speed clearance of any fault detectedimmediately following autoreclosure of the circuit breaker.Instantaneous three pole tripping (TOR logic) can be selected for faults detected by variouselements, (see the settings description above). TOR protection remains enabled for 500msfollowing circuit breaker closure. The use of a TOR scheme is usually advantageous for mostdistance schemes, since a persistent fault at the remote end of the line can be clearedinstantaneously after reclosure of the breaker, rather than after the zone 2 time delay. Setting Guidelines• When the overcurrent option is enabled, the I>3 current setting applied should beabove load current, and > 35% of peak magnetising inrush current for any connectedtransformers as this element has no second harmonic blocking. Setting guidelines forthe I>3 element are shown in more detail in Table below.• When a Zone 1 Extension scheme is used along with autoreclosure, it must beensured that only Zone 1 distance protection can trip instantaneously for TOR.Typically, TOR-SOTF Mode bit 0 only would be set to “1”. Also the I>3 element mustbe disabled to avoid overreaching trips by level detectors. Initiating TOR-SOTF ProtectionSOTF-TOR ActivationThe logic (Figure 40) issues 2 signals TOR Enable - SOTF Enable. There is a differencebetween these 2 signals as the autorecloser (whether internal or external) which must beblocked for the SOTF logic.The detection of an open pole is enabled by the Any Pole Dead signal (at least one pole isopen). It is an OR logic of the internal analogue detection (level detectors) and of theexternal detection (given by CB status: 52A/52B, which is required in the case of a VT on theBus side).The V< and I< Dead Pole Level Detectors are settable per phase as described belows:• V< is either a fixed threshold 20% Vn or equal to the V Dead Line threshold of thecheck synchronism function if enabled, (default value for V< dead line = 20% V N )• I< is either a fixed threshold of 5% In or equal to the ‘I< Current Set’ threshold of theBreaker Failure protection function (default value for I< CB fail = 5% IN ).