P44x/EN MR/Hb6 Measurements and Recording(MR) 7-14 MiCOM P442 & P4442 MEASUREMENTSThe relay produces a variety of both directly measured and calculated system quantities.These measurement values are updated on a per second basis and can be viewed in the“Measurements” columns (up to three) of the relay or via MiCOM S1 Agile Measurementviewer.The MiCOM P442 and P444 relays are able to measure and display the following quantitiesas summarized.2.1 Measured currentsThe MiCOM P442 and P444 relays produce current values. They are produced directly fromthe DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform) used by the relay protection functions and presentboth magnitude and phase angle measurement.2.2 Sequence voltages and currentsSequence quantities are produced by P442 and P444 relays from the measured Fouriervalues; these are displayed as magnitude and phase angle values.2.3 SettingsThe settings under the heading “Measurement setup” can be used to configure the relaymeasurement function: see “Settings” section P44x/EN ST for more information.2.4 Measurement display quantitiesThere are three “Measurement” columns available in the relay for viewing of measurementquantities. These can also be viewed with MiCOM S1 Agile (see MiCOM Px40 – Monitoringsection of the MiCOM S1 Agile User Manual) and are shown below:P442 P444 MEASUREMENTS 1∗ ∗ IA Magnitude∗ ∗ IA phase Angle∗ ∗ IB Magnitude∗ ∗ IB Phase Angle∗ ∗ IV Magnitude∗ ∗ IC Phase Angle∗ ∗ IN Magnitude∗ ∗ IN Angle∗ ∗ I1 Magnitude∗ ∗ I2 Magnitude∗ ∗ I0 magnitude∗ ∗ VAB Magnitude∗ ∗ VAB Phase Angle∗ ∗ VBC Magnitude∗ ∗ VBC Phase Angle∗ ∗ VCA Magnitude∗ ∗ VCA Phase Angle∗ ∗ VAN Magnitude∗ ∗ VAN Phase Angle∗ ∗ VBN Magnitude∗ ∗ VBN Phase Angle∗ ∗ VCN Magnitude