113# Create ACL 3001 to allow packets sent from the technology department (on subnet the marketing department (on subnet[DeviceA] acl number 3001[DeviceA-acl-adv-3001] rule permit ip source destination192.168.1.0 time-range work[DeviceA-acl-adv-3001] quit# Create traffic class mkt_c, and configure the match criterion as ACL 3001.[DeviceA] traffic classifier mkt_c[DeviceA-classifier-mkt_c] if-match acl 3001[DeviceA-classifier-mkt_c] quit# Create traffic behavior mkt_b, and configure the action of mirroring traffic to port Ethernet 1/0/3.[DeviceA] traffic behavior mkt_b[DeviceA-behavior-mkt_b] mirror-to interface Ethernet 1/0/3[DeviceA-behavior-mkt_b] quit# Create QoS policy mkt_p, and associate traffic class mkt_c with traffic behavior mkt_b in the QoSpolicy.[DeviceA] qos policy mkt_p[DeviceA-qospolicy-mkt_p] classifier mkt_c behavior mkt_b[DeviceA-qospolicy-mkt_p] quit# Apply QoS policy mkt_p to the outgoing packets of Ethernet 1/0/2.[DeviceA] interface Ethernet 1/0/2[DeviceA-Ethernet1/0/2] qos apply policy mkt_p outbound3. Verify the configurationsAfter completing the configurations, through the server, you can monitor all traffic sent by the technologydepartment to access the Internet and the IP traffic that the technology department sends to the marketingdepartment during working hours.