61To do… Use the command… RemarksEnable the SNMP agent snmp-agentOptionalDisabled by default.You can also enable the SNMPagent by using any command thatbegins with snmp-agent except thesnmp-agent calculate-passwordand snmp-agent ifmib long-ifindexenable commands.Configure system information forthe SNMP agentsnmp-agent sys-info { contactsys-contact | location sys-location| version { all | { v1 | v2c |v3 }* } }OptionalBy default, the contact is HangzhouH3C Tech. Co.,Ltd., the physicallocation is Hangzhou, China, andthe protocol version is SNMPv3.Configure the local engine ID snmp-agent local-engineidengineidOptionalThe default local engine ID is thecompany ID plus the device ID.Create or update a MIB viewsnmp-agent mib-view { excluded |included } view-name oid-tree[ mask mask-value ]OptionalBy default, the MIB viewViewDefault is predefined and itsOID is 1.Configure an SNMPv3 groupsnmp-agent group v3 group-name[ authentication | privacy ][ read-view read-view ][ write-view write-view ][ notify-view notify-view ] [ aclacl-number ]RequiredConvert a plain text key to anencrypted keysnmp-agent calculate-passwordplain-password mode { 3desmd5 |3dessha | md5 | sha }{ local-engineid |specified-engineid engineid }OptionalAdd a user to the SNMPv3 groupsnmp-agent usm-user v3user-name group-name [ [ cipher ]authentication-mode { md5 | sha }auth-password [ privacy-mode{ 3des | aes128 | des56 }priv-password ] ] [ acl acl-number ]RequiredIf the cipher keyword is specified,the arguments auth-password andpriv-password are considered asencrypted keys.Configure the maximum size (inbytes) of SNMP packets for theSNMP agentsnmp-agent packet max-sizebyte-countOptionalBy default, the SNMP agent canreceive and send the SNMPpackets up to 1,500 bytes.CAUTION:After you change the local engine ID, the existing SNMPv3 users become invalid, and you must re-createthe SNMPv3 users.