Notices 137Warranties and NoticesNon-IBM Web SitesIBM makes no representations whatsoever about anynon-IBM Web site. When you access a non-IBM Website, please understand that it is independent from IBM,and that IBM has no control over the content on thatWeb site. In addition, a reference to a non-IBM Web sitedoes not mean that IBM endorses or accepts anyresponsibility for the content, or the use, of such Website. It is up to you to take precautions to ensure thatwhatever you select for your use is free of such itemsas viruses, worms, trojan horses and other items of adestructive nature. IN NO EVENT WILL IBM BE LIABLETO ANY PARTY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIALOR OTHER CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR ANYUSE OF ANY OTHER WEB SITE, INCLUDING,WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY LOST PROFITS,BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF PROGRAMS OROTHER DATA ON YOUR INFORMATION HANDLINGSYSTEM OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF WE AREEXPRESSLY ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCHDAMAGES.Home PNA Network Card (select models)If your IBM PC has a built-in home PNA networkingadapter, the following statements apply:Actual network transfer speeds depend on manyfactors, such as home wiring configuration, and areoften less than the maximum possible.Some ISP accounts do not allow or charge extra forInternet sharing. Your ISP access agreement mayrequire you to have more than one account. Check yourISP access agreement for more information.