54 Solving audio, multimedia, and modem problemsYou don’t hear soundwhen you play DOSgames or use DOSprograms1 Make sure the game or program is configured to useSoundBlaster Pro or SoundBlaster emulation. Refer tothe documentation that came with your DOS programfor instructions on selecting sound card settings.2 Shut down and restart your computer in MS-DOSmode. Then try to run the program again.Joystick or gamepad doesnot work or does not workproperly1 Make sure that the joystick or gamepad is properlyconnected to the computer.2 You may need to recalibrate the joystick or gamepad.You can recalibrate a joystick or gamepad in theJoystick section of the Windows Control Panel.3 Refer to the documentation that came with thejoystick or gamepad for additional troubleshootinginformation.If the problem is... Here’s what to do...If any of these problems continue after taking the actionslisted, refer to any documentation that may have come withyour modem and sound cards. If you find no solution there,run the diagnostics programs that came with your computer.If you need service, see “HelpWare support and services” onpage 81.