How and when do I purchase additional support? 95HelpWare support and services3-incident pack. The 3-incident pack allows you topurchase a block of problem resolutions at a discountfrom the single incident price. The 3-incident packexpires one year from the date of purchase.5-incident pack. In Australia and New Zealand, the 5-incident pack allows you to purchase a block of problemresolutions at a discount from the single-incident price.The 5-incident help pack expires one year from the dateof purchase.10-incident pack. In the United States, Canada,Australia, and New Zealand, the 10-incident pack allowsyou to purchase a block of problem resolutions at adiscount from the single-incident price. The 10-incidentpack expires one year from the date of purchase.An incident is a request for telephone assistance abouta single question or problem. An incident may involvemultiple conversations or actions which may include(but are not limited to):• your initial request• research by IBM• a call back from IBM to you.Requests for assistance on multiple questions orproblems will be considered as multiple incidents.To order additional support packages.• Refer to page 91 for the phone numbers and hours ofoperation in your country.