Chapter 5. Installation 2595.3.1 VMware ESX operating systemsThe ServerProven NOS support matrix for VMware is located at: the time of writing this book, the VMware operating systems are supported onx3850 M2 and x3950 M2 as indicated in Table 5-1. The shaded table cellsindicate Yes, they are supported.Table 5-1 VMware ESX OS support (current and planned)5.3.2 Windows Server 2003 and 2008 operating systemsThe ServerProven NOS Support Matrix for Windows is located at: the time of writing this book, the Windows operating systems are supported onx3850 M2 and x3950 M2 as indicated in Table 5-2 on page 260. The shadedtable cells indicate Yes, they are supported.Operating System x3850 M2 x3950 M21-nodex3950 M22-nodex3950 M23-nodex3950 M24-nodeVMware ESX 3.5 Yes Yes withpatchESX350-200802301-BGaa. This supersedes patch ESX350-200712401-BG.Yes withUpdate 1No Yes withUpdate 2VMware ESXi 3.5 Yes (onselectedx3850 M2hypervisormodels)Yes withUpdate 1Yes withUpdate 2No NoVMware ESXi 3.5InstallableYes Yes withUpdate 1No No NoVMware ESX 3.0.2 Yes withUpdate 1 orlaterYes withUpdate 1 orlaterCheck ServerProvenNo No