Chapter 6. Management 3536.5.5 Level 2: Implementation by the IBM Director agentThe IBM Director agent enables all the agent options, which are used forcommunication and management of the system. Functions vary, depending onthe operating system and type of hardware.The use of the IBM Director agent requires installation of the service processordriver. The x3850 M2 and x3950 M2 is shipped with the RSA II so installing theBMC driver is not necessary.Installation of the RSA II device driverSection 6.2.6, “Implementing the RSA II in the operating system” on page 329describes how to install the device driver in the Linux and Windows operatingsystems.Installation of the IBM Director agentIBM Director agent is on IBM Director installation CD or you can download it assingle installation package from: installation of IBM Director agentTo install IBM Director agent:1. Extract the RPM Package, by using the following command:tar -xvf dir5.20.2_agent_linux.tar2. Change to the extraction folder:cd /install_files_directory/FILES3. Run the installation script by using default settings:./dir5.20.2_agent_linux.sh4. Optional: By default, AES-algorithm (Advanced Encryption Standard) isenabled. If you want to disable it or change the security settings, run thefollowing security command (where install_root is the root directory of yourIBM Director installation):install_root/bin/cfgsecurity5. If you want to start or stop the agent, use the response file:– Start: install_root/bin/twgstart– Stop: install_root/bin/twgstop