Chapter 6. Management 361The IBM Enterprise C13+ and IBM C19 PDU+ DPI and ultra-density units areintelligent PDUs that are supported for use with Active Energy Manager. Theyreport power and thermal trending.In addition, Active Energy Manager allows a user to associate an IBM Directormanaged object with an iPDU outlet, allowing the power consumption for theserver to be displayed in the Active Energy Manager Console. In cases wherethere are multiple power supplies for a server and each is plugged into a differentiPDU in the rack, Active Energy Manager adds the different values together todisplay a graph of the total power being consumed by the server. Through thisiPDU support, Active Energy Manager can monitor power usage on earlierservers that do not have power metering built in.Additionally, Active Energy Manager monitors how many amps are beingconsumed by an iPDU overall, and how this compares to the maximum currentthat the iPDU can support.Users are alerted when an iPDU approaches its capacity.6.8.4 Assembling of intelligent PDUThe IBM enterprise intelligent PDUs are available in three outlet versions forpower distribution. The figures in this section show the devices.IBM Enterprise DPI C13 PDU+Figure 6-33 shows the back and front of the Enterprise DPI C13 PDU+(part number 39M2816).Figure 6-33 IBM Enterprise DPI C13 PDU+ UTG connector, part number: 39M2816Note: IBM DPI C13+ and IBM DPI C19 PDU+ PDUs were available before theannouncement of Active Energy Manager. Any existing versions of theseiPDUs in the field must be upgraded to the November 7th, 2007 version of theiPDU firmware so that Active Energy Manager can support them.