Chapter 6. Management 305As shown in Figure 6-3 on page 304, the number of events reached themaximum level of 512 entries. You must clear this, freeing it for new events. Toclear it, select Clear BMC SEL or use tools we mentioned previously. The BMCalerts you if the log reaches 75, 90, or 100 percent full.The BMC makes the events available to the installed RSA II. The RSA II alsomaintains a separate log, which you can view in the RSA II. Both the RSA II andBMC-based events are listed. However, the reverse is not true: you cannot viewthe events recorded by the RSA II in the BMC event log.6.1.4 User Account Settings menusYou can add, change, or set user privileges in the BMC. User access is throughaccount UserID 2 as shown in Figure 6-4. (UserID 1 is NULL and cannot bechanged.) The default credentials for UserID 2 are: Username: USERID (all uppercase) Password: PASSW0RD (all uppercase, where 0 is the number zero)Figure 6-4 BIOS: BMC User Account Settings menu and individual user settingsSelect the UserID you want to enable or disable and make the required settingsfor username, password, and the privileges level.6.1.5 Remote control using SMBridgeThe BMC supports remote control using the OSA SMBridge utility and Serialover LAN. This provides a text-only console interface that lets you control BIOSscreens and specific operating system consoles. Both Linux and Windowsprovide text-only consoles.