Chapter 6. Management 335For information and guidance about Active Energy Manager implementation, seethe IBM Systems Software Information center at: download the extension to IBM Director and the stand-alone version, go to: requirements for using the AEM are as follows: IBM Director 5.20.2 requirements, see IBM Director information center: Supported operating systems:– Red Hat Enterprise Linux (AS and ES, 4.0, 5.0, and 5.1)– SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (9 and10)– Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition Supported managed hardware:– Rack-mounted server– BladeCenter Director-managed objects– iPDUs6.4.1 Active Energy Manager terminologyThe following terms apply to the hardware in an Active Energy Managerenvironment:management server A server on which both IBM Director Server and ActiveEnergy Manager Server are console A system on which both IBM Director Console andActive Energy Manager Console are installed.BladeCenter system A chassis and a number of modules. The chassis isthe physical enclosure that houses the modules. Themodules are the individual components, such as bladeservers and blowers, that are inserted into bays in thechassis.rack-mounted server A stand-alone system with a Baseboard ManagementController (BMC).managed system Either a BladeCenter system or a rack-mounted serverin an IBM Director environment.