Table A-1 (Page 3 of 9). Service Request NumbersSRN FRU List % Problem2A006 Disk drive moduleBackplane7030Description: Async code 06 has beenreceived. This code indicates that a diskdrive module has detected the loss of oneof its power inputs.Action: If the failing device is an SSAHot-Swap Disk Drive, go to “SSAMaintenance Analysis Procedures(MAPs)” on page 2-35, exchange thedisk drive module. If the failing device is not an SSAHot-Swap Disk Drive, go to theservice information for that device.2A106 Backplane assembly 100 Description: Async code 06 has beenreceived. This code indicates that multipledisk drive modules have detected the lossof one of its their power inputs.Action: If the failing devices are SSAHot-Swap Disk Drives, exchange thebackplane. If the failing devices are not SSAHot-Swap Disk Drives, go to theservice information for those devices.2A206 Disk drive module 100 Description: A disk drive module hasdetected that one of its SSA links hasfailed the POSTs.Action:1. Use the Link Verification service aid(see “Link Verification Service Aid” onpage 3-73) to determine where theSSA link is broken.2. Run diagnostics in the systemverification mode to the two disk drivemodules that are nearest to, and oneach side of, the place where the linkis broken. The diagnostics showwhich disk drive module detected theproblem.2FFFF None – Description: An async code that is notvalid has been received.Action: Go to “Software and MicrocodeErrors” on page A-5.A-8 Service Guide