Symptom ActionThe system does not respond to the passwordbeing entered or the system login prompt isdisplayed when booting in service mode.Verify that the password is being entered fromthe ASCII terminal or keyboard defined as thesystem console. If so, then the keyboard or itscontroller may be faulty.1. If entering the password from the keyboardwhich is attached to the system, replace thekeyboard. If replacing the keyboard does notfix the problem, replace the I/O planar. (Seenotes on 2-1.)2. If entering the password from a keyboardwhich is attached to a ASCII terminal,suspect the ASCII terminal. Use theProblem Determination Procedures for theterminal. Replace the I/O planar if theseprocedures do not reveal a problem.Nothing is displayed on the system console, andthe operator panel is blank.1. If using a graphic display, go to theProblemDetermination Procedures for the display.2. If you do not find a problem then replace thedisplay adapter.3. Go to “MAP 1540: Minimum Configuration”on page 2-17.All display problems. 1. If using a graphics display, go to theProblem Determination Procedures for thedisplay.2. If you do not find a problem then replace thedisplay adapter.3. If the problem is with the ASCII terminal:a. Make sure that the ASCII terminal isconnected to S1.b. If problems persist, go to theProblemDetermination Procedures for theterminal.4. If you do not find a problem then suspectthe I/O planar. Go to “MAP 1540: MinimumConfiguration” on page 2-17.888 is displayed in the control panel followed byadditional error codes.Go to the Fast Path MAP in theIBM RS/6000Diagnostic Information for Multiple Bus Systems.Chapter 2. Maintenance Analysis Procedures 2-3