Table 3-1 (Page 8 of 24). Firmware Error Codes.Error Code Description Action / Possible Failing FRU25A80210 Setenv/$Setenv parameter error - namecontains a null character.Refer to Action under error code25A80xxx.25A80211 Setenv/$Setenv parameter error - valuecontains a null character.Refer to Action under error code25A80xxx.25AA0xxx EEPROM problems. EEPROM problem resolution:1. Ensure that the EEPROM Securityjumper is in the correct position ifdoing a privileged-access passwordinstall.2. Retry the operation.3. If retries do not solve the problem,replace the I/O board. (See noteson 3-1.)25AA0000 Unable to unlock EEPROM. Refer to Action under error code25AA0xxx.25AA0001 Read-Recv error. Refer to Action under error code25AA0xxx.25AA0002 Read-Trans error. Refer to Action under error code25AA0xxx.25AA0003 Write-enable error. Refer to Action under error code25AA0xxx.25AA0004 Write-recv error. Refer to Action under error code25AA0xxx.25AA0005 Write-disable error. Refer to Action under error code25AA0xxx.25AA0006 Write-Trans error. Refer to Action under error code25AA0xxx.25AA0007 Unable to lock EEPROM. Refer to Action under error code25AA0xxx.25B00001 No memory modules detected in eithermemory card 1 or 2.1. Reseat any installed memorycard(s) and retry.2. Reseat any installed memorymodules on the installed memorycards.3. Replace Memory Card(s).25Cyyxxx Memory Card problems. See “Memory PD Bits” on page 3-26for definition of "yy".Use the location code obtained fromthe SMS Error Log utility (described inMAP Step 1020-4) to identify whichmemory module (or memory modulepair) the error is reported against.Chapter 3. Error Code to FRU Index 3-9