à ðTelephone Number Setup Menu1. Service Center Telephone Number:Currently Unassigned2. Customer Administration Center Telephone Number:Currently Unassigned3. Digital Pager Telephone Number:Currently Unassigned4. Customer Voice Telephone Number:Currently Unassigned5. Customer System Telephone Number:Currently Unassigned98. Return to Previous Menuá ñ Service Center Telephone Number is the number of the service centercomputer. The service center usually includes a computer that takes calls fromservers with call-out capability. This computer is referred to as "the catcher."The catcher expects messages in a specific format to which Service Processorconforms. For more information about the format and catcher computers, referto the README file in the AIX /usr/samples/syscatch directory. Contact yourservice provider for the correct telephone number to enter here. Until you havethat number, leave this field blank. Customer Administration Center Telephone Number is the number of theSystem Administration Center computer (catcher) that receives problem callsfrom servers. Contact your system administrator for the correct telephonenumber to enter here. Until you have that number, leave this field blank. Digital Pager Telephone Number is the number for a pager carried bysomeone who will respond to problem calls from your server. Contact youradministration center representative for the correct telephone number to enterhere. For test purposes, enter your telephone number here. You can change itlater when testing is complete.Note: Some modems, such as IBM 7857-017, are not designed for the pagingfunction. Although they can be used for paging, they will return an errormessage when they do not get the expected response from anothermodem. Therefore, even though the paging was successful, the errormessage will cause the Service Processor to retry, continuing to placepager calls for the number of retries specified in the Call-Out policy SetupMenu. These retries result in redundant pages.Appendix B. Service Processor Menus B-19