Sample File modem_z0.cfg## COMPONENT_NAME: (ESPSETUP) ENTRY SERVICE PROCESSOR SETUP Zð## FUNCTIONS: Modem configuration file for some early Hayes\ compatible modems.# This example uses the ATZð reset command to choose the factory defaults.# This setup is recommended for modems that will respond to the ATZð command# and which do not respond to the extended (&) commands. Refer to your modem# manual.## \ Trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc.## (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996# All Rights Reserved# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM## US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.### If the modem has configuration switches, they should be set to the# factory default settings.ICDelay 1DefaultTO 1ðCallDelay 12ð# AT Attention Code , Inserts delay in dialing commands# Zð Reset. Restore Profile ð Qð Turn on responses# Eð Turn echo off Q1 Turn off responses# Vð Use numeric responses Sð=ð Automatic answer inhibit# +++ Escape to command mode Sð=2 Answer on second ring# Hð Hang-up Xð=ð Limit modem response codes# T = Tone mode. When used as T\r, it is a# no op to maintain program synchronization# when modem may/will echo the commands.## %N Call-Out phone number %P Paging phone number# %S Modem speed (available to users)## Following are common responses from a wide range of modems:# 16, 15, 12, 1ð, 5 and 1 are connection responses. Add others as required.# 7=busy; 6=no dial tone; 4=error; 3=no carrier; 2=ring; ð=OK## PROGRAMMING NOTE: No blanks between double quote marks (").condout: send "ATZðQðT\r" # Reset modem. Select profile ðignore "ð\r" or "OK\r\n" timeout 2 # Ignore modem response.send "ATEðT\r" # Initialize modem: Echo OFF,expect "ð\r" or "OK\r\n" timeout 2 # Enable responses (Numeric),send "ATQðVðXðT\r" # Limit response codes.expect "ð\r" timeout 2 # Confirm commands successful.send "ATSð=ð\r" # Set AutoAnswer OFFexpect "ð\r" timeout 2 # Confirm command successful.doneconnect: send "ATDT%N\r" # Tone dialing command.# %N from Call Home setup.# Expect a connection response.expect "16\r" or "15\r" or "14\r" or "12\r" or "1ð\r" or "5\r" or "1\r" busy "7\r"timeout 6ðdoneretry: send "A/" # Repeat the previous command.# Expect a connection response.Appendix D. Modem Configurations D-11