Symptom ActionYou need to verify correct system operation.Go to "MAP 410: Repair Checkout" in theIBMRS/6000 Diagnostic Information for Multiple BusSystems.Symptom AnalysisYou have OK displayed The Service Processor (SP) is ready. Thesystem is waiting for power on.You have STBY displayed The Service Processor (SP) is ready. Thesystem was shutdown by the operating systemand is still powered on. This condition can berequested by a privileged system user with nofaults. See SP error log for possible operatingsystem fault indications.You do not have a determined symptom. Go to “MAP 1020: Problem Determination” onpage 2-6.You have an 8-digit error code displayed. Record the error code. Go to Chapter 3, “ErrorCode to FRU Index” on page 3-1.You have an SRN. Go to the Fast Path MAP in theIBM RS/6000Diagnostic Information for Multiple Bus Systems.The system POST indicators are displayed onthe system console, the system pauses andthen restarts. The term "POST indicators" referto the icons (graphic display) or devicemnemonics (ASCII terminal) that appear duringthe power-on self-test (POST).Go to “E1xx Code Boot Problems” onpage 3-44.The system stops and POST indicators aredisplayed on the system console. The term"POST indicators" refer to the icons (graphicdisplay) or device mnemonics (ASCII terminal)that appear during the power-on self-test(POST).1. Use MAP 1540 to isolate the problem.The system stops and the message "STARTINGSOFTWARE PLEASE WAIT..." is displayed onASCII terminal, the boot indicator ( ) isdisplayed on a graphics terminal.Go to “Checkpoints” on page 3-29.2-2 Service Guide