Table A-1 (Page 5 of 9). Service Request NumbersSRN FRU List % Problem44PAA Disk drive module 100 Description: A disk drive module hasfailed.Action: If the SSA service aids areavailable, run the Link Verification serviceaid (see “Link Verification Service Aid” onpage 3-73) to find the failing disk drivemodule. Before you exchange the failingdisk drive module, run diagnostics in thesystem verification mode to the module todetermine the cause of the problem.45PAA Disk drive moduleBackplane assembly404020Description: The SSA adapter hasdetected an open SSA link. This problemis caused either by a disk drive modulethat is failing, or by a disk drive modulethat has been switched off from anotherusing system on the same SSA link.(That using system has itself beenswitched off.)Action: If the SSA service aids areavailable, run the Link Verification serviceaid (see “Link Verification Service Aid” onpage 3-73) to determine which device ispreventing configuration. (That device isthe one beyond the last-configured deviceon an open SSA link.)48000 None – Description: The SSA adapter hasdetected a link configuration resource thatis not valid.Action: See “SSA Loop ConfigurationsThat Are Not Valid” on page A-15.50000 SSA adapter card 100 Description: The SSA adapter failed torespond to the device driver.Action: Exchange the FRU for a newFRU.50001 SSA adapter card 100 Description: A data parity error hasoccurred.Action: Exchange the FRU for a newFRU.50002 SSA adapter card 100 Description: An SSA adapter directmemory access (DMA) error has occurred.Action: Exchange the FRU for a newFRU.50004 SSA adapter card 100 Description: A channel check hasoccurred.Action: Exchange the FRU for a newFRU.A-10 Service Guide