482 IBM eX5 Implementation GuideService and Support Manager prerequisitesBefore installing Service and Support Manager, you must meet the following prerequisites: The IBM Systems Director server must have access to the Internet. The access can begranted via a proxy server, but the following configuration rules must be followed forService and Support Manager and Update Manager to work correctly.Configure the proxy server to use basic authentication if it is configured for digest or NTLAN Manager (NTLM) authentication. The update manager task supports only basicauthentication with the proxy server. If digest or NTLM authentication is required, theupdate manager is unable to access update packages from IBM. Service and Support Manager requires access to the host names, IP addresses, andports that are shown in Table 9-3.Table 9-3 Remote servers to which Service and Support Manager needs access Collect inventory for the systems before you start the installation. This task is notmandatory, but it is recommended.Installing and configuring Service and Support ManagerIn this section, we describe how to install and configure Service and Support Manager fromthe IBM Systems Director 6.2.1 DVD:1. Place the IBM Systems Director DVD into the IBM Systems Director server. The DVD runsautomatically.2. Select the language that you want to use from the list box and click OK.3. The IBM Systems Director Welcome page appears. Click IBM Service and SupportManager.4. Click Install IBM Service and Support Manager 6.2.1, as shown in Figure 9-33 onpage 483.Remote server IP addresses Porteccgw01.boulder.ibm.com 443eccgw02.rochester.ibm.com 443www-945.ibm.com 443www.ecurep.ibm.com 443Tip: IP addresses are subject to change, so ensure that you use host names wheneverpossible.Tip: If you have disabled the auto-run feature on your IBM Systems Director server, youcan find the Service and Support Manager software in the SSM directory directly in theroot of the DVD. Open the SSM directory and double-clickSysDir6_2_1_Service_Support_Windows.exe to start the installation.