8. Use the tuning dialRotate [DIAL] to search for nearbystations above and below the tunedfrequency.3BASIC OPERATION207. Tune the stationUse the keypad to enter the fre-quency — (example 59.75 MHz).[Example](Example 59.75 MHz)7-1. Tune the stationEnter the frequency from the 100 kHzdigit when you want to change belowthe 1 MHz digit only — (examplefrom 59.75 MHz to 59.25 MHz).[Example]59.7500VFOWFMENT59. 75VFOWFM5759.VFOWFM.. 59VFOWFM9559.2500VFOWFMENT59. 25VFOWFM5259.VFOWFM.(Example 59.25 MHz)59.3000VFOWFM59.2500VFOWFM59.2000VFOWFM[DIAL][DIAL]NOTE: WFM and regular FM share thesame circuit. Depending on the receivecondition, this may result in distortion.In such cases, try lowering the fre-quency 30–50 kHz.