SET MODE959MESSAGEONBEEPONCONTRASTLOW HILIGHTAUTO 5SECPROGRAM SKIPOFFMEMORY SKIPONPOWER SAVE1:4SCAN DELAY5SEC52CI-V ADDRESSCI-V BAUD9600CI-V TRNONVFOFM144.0000MEMOFMA00 144.0000CLRSETFUNC +CLREASYFM0: 0.5000Set mode flow chart GeneralWhat is SET mode?SET mode is accessed from VFO,MEMORY or EASY mode and allowsyou to modify certain receiver condi-tions to suit your operating require-ments.Adjusting these settings to your own in-dividual preferences allows you to “cus-tomize” the receiver’s operatingparameters to suit your operating style.If you are not sure what effect changinga particular condition will have on thereceiver’s performance—experimentwith different settings. Don’t worry, thereis no way you can damage the receiverby altering these settings.There are 11 conditions which can bemodified in SET mode. The displays atright show the initial or all reset (p. 70)conditions. See the following pages foran example of each condition and howto modify them.