10OTHER FUNCTIONS70 Resetting the CPUThere are 2 ways to reset the CPU asfollows:PARTIAL RESET:When you want to initialize the operat-ing conditions (VFO frequency, VFOsettings, SET mode contents) withoutclearing the memory, program scan,EASY mode and auto TS/mode set-tings, a partial reset function is availablefor the receiver.ALL RESET:Use this option when the CPU malfunc-tions.CAUTION: Resetting the CPU returnsall programmed contents to their defaultsettings.Partial resetq Turn power OFF.w While pushing[MODE], push[POWER] for1 sec. to turnpower ON.e Rotate [DIAL] toselect ”YES” or“NO”, then push[ENT].A partial reset isperformed when”YES” is selected;selecting “NO”cancels the opera-tion.All resetq Turn power OFF.w While pushing[CLR], push[POWER] for 1sec. to turnpower ON.e Rotate [DIAL] toselect ”YES” or“NO”, then push[ENT].An all reset is per-formed when”YES” is selected;selecting “NO”cancels the opera-tion.MODEPOWER PARTIAL ?NO+ALL-RESET ?NOPOWERCLR+