AX MIG WelderOperating manual - ENComm 2 mode Automatic10 MBit Half Duplex10 MBit Full Duplex100 MBit Half Duplex100 MBit Full DuplexEthernet speed / duplex for port 2.In the Automatic mode the fieldbus module chooses the correct mode automatically.ProfibusThis table lists the Profibus fieldbus settings.Parameter Value DescriptionIdentification informationManufacturer 0x0368 Vendor identifier assigned to Kemppi by PNO (PROFIBUSNutzerorganisation).PNO Ident number 0x11BF Manufacturer-specific identification number.Order ID Fieldbus module ordering code.Serial number Example: PSNK0012345 Serial number of the welding power source.Hardware version Example: 1 Hardware version of the fieldbus module.Module version Example: 1.23.4 Software version of the fieldbus module.Configuration parametersNode address 0...125126 = SSA modeThe node address of the fieldbus module.In the SSA mode the node address is defined automatically.DeviceNetThis table lists the DeviceNet fieldbus settings.Parameter Value DescriptionIdentification informationODVA Vendor ID 1403 Vendor identifier assigned to Kemppi by ODVA.ODVA Device type 100 Identifier of the type of the welding system.Product code 3 Code from which the robot identifies the welding system.Serial number Example: 750012345 Serial number of the welding power source.Module version Example: 1.23.4 Software version of the fieldbus module.Product name AX MIG Welder Name of the welding system.Configuration parametersNode address 0...63 The node address of the fieldbus module.Baud rate 125 kbps250 kbps500 kbpsAutoThe rate at which information is transferred in a com-munication channel.© Kemppi 130 1921900 / 2318