Kenwood CS-8010 Instruction Manual
RESET: Reset mode of single-sweep operation.When reset, the switch returns to theSINGLE position, with the READY LED @lighting until completion of sweep.In storage mode, start the operation manually.@ READY LEDWhen reset in single-wave operation, this lamp lightsand remains lit until the sweep operation is completed.In storage mode, this lamp lights after a write opera-tion is enabled, showing that the unit is in the triggersignal waiting status. In PRE TRIG mode, this lamplights after the write inhibit period is finished, showingthat the unit is in the trigger signal waiting status.@i PRE TRIGMode for observing waveform prior to trigger signal.To observe it, set the select switch to a value from 2.5to 7.5 div. If it is set to 2.5 div., waveform prior totrigger signal is displayed in the range of the left-hand2.5 divisions, while waveform posterior to triggersignal is displayed in the range of the right-hand 7.5divisions. When the switch is set to 0 div., waveformprior to trigger signal cannot be observed since theCS-8010 functions as a general-use oscilloscope withthe trigger point at the left end on the CRT.For details on pre-triggering, refer to description items" S I N G L E " and " R E S E T " of the TRIGGERING MODEswitch (£|) .NOTE: Do not switch the PRE TRIG switch between0 dB and 2.5 to 7.5 div while the DISPLAYselect switch (f|) is set to a readout-onlymode of R&S or PEN: otherwise the start pointerror would occur making normal waveformobservation impossible.@ LEVEL/PULL SLOPE ( - )LEVEL: Trigger level adjustment determines point onwaveform where sweep starts.When COUPLING switch is selected in TV-FRAME or LINE, the trigger level adjustmenthas no effect.PULL SLOPE ( - ) Switch:Two-position push-pull switch. Pulled outposition selects negative going ( —) slopeand pushed in position selects positiver-going (+) slope as triggering point.® DISPLAYREAL: Functions as a general-use oscilloscope.Data is not written in the memory.STORE: Functions as a digital storage oscilloscope.Data is written and read out in/from thememory. Lighting of the WRITE LED in-dicates that data is being written in thememory. Do not operate the control knobsduring a write operation, as normalwaveform may not be output.NOTE: CH1 and CH2 are written simul-taneously even when the MODEselect switch (jj) s set to ALT.R & S : Displays both real-time waveform andstorage waveform. The storage waveform isfor readout only, and is not written in thememory. Therefore, the vertical attenuatorand SWEEP TIME controls, etc. do not func-tion for storage waveforms. As they func-tions only for real-time waveforms, betions only for real-time waveforms, becareful when using READOUT. (When thecursor storage waveform measurement isused other than when in write range, thecorrect display may not be obtained.)PEN: Displays the storage waveform (readout on-ly). The storage waveform (readout only) isdisplayed.Therefore, if READOUT is used other thanwhen in write range, the correct display maynot be obtained.START: Pen start setting for outputing storagewaveform at the PEN OUT terminals on therear panel. When waveform begins to beoutput, the pen speed is read out and theswitch returns to the PEN position. Duringpen operation, bright line is displayed on theCRT, and the READOUT value disappears.NOTE: When the MODE select switch @is set to ADD, the PEN OUT signal isoutput from C H 1 .@ WRITE LEDLights while the DISPLAY select switch @ is set tothe STORE position and data is being written in thememory. Either trigger signal or setting the MODEselect switch (fj) to SINGLE-RESET position to causethe pre trigger mode starts data writing.When the DISPLAY select switch @ is changed toanother position, data writing into the memory isdiscontinued, and the stored waveform is nullified.@ AController for shifting the measuring cursor (rough dot-ted line) out of two cursor lines displayed on the CRT inthe cursor measurement. By rotating the controllerclockwise, the cursor line moves upward or rightward:by rotating counterclockwise, it moves downward orleftward.® A REFController for shifting the reference cursor (small-dotted line) out of two cursor lines displayed on theCRT in the cursor measurement. By rotating the con-troller clockwise, the cursor line moves upward orrightward: by rotating counterclockwise, it movesdownward or leftward.(§) CURSORSCursor measurement mode select switch.OFF: Cursor measurement is not performed. The cur-sor, and cursour measurement mode and cur-sor measurement value are not displayed onthe CRT.AW\: Two horizontal cursor lines are displayed on theCRT, and voltage difference and voltage ratiobetween them are displayed in the upper righton the CRT posterior to the cursor measure-ment mode display.Setting the CH1 VARIABLE controller (?) tothe CAL position causes voltage differencemeasurement, and a value calculated in accor-dance with setting of the CH1 VOLTS/DIV dial(3) is displayed posterior to AVI.Setting the CH1 VARIABLE controller ® to theUNCAL position causes voltage ratio measure-ment, and a value calculated assuming that 5 100% is displayed posterior to the RATIO.When the A cursor is below the A REFcursor, a negative value is displayed.NOTE: Setting of the MODE select switch ( f | tothe CH2 position causes A V2 modecursor measurement.11 |
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