Kenwood CS-8010 Instruction Manual
(4) Video signal observationSetting the COUPLING ® switch, to the TV FRAME or TVLINE position permits selection of vertical or horizontalsync pulses for sweep triggering when viewing compositevideo waveforms.This makes stable triggering in video signal observationspossible regardless of the TRIG LEVEL control (fj) .At most points of measurement, a composite video signalis of the polarity, that is, the sync pulses are negative andthe video is positive. In this case, use " —" SLOPE.If the waveform is taken at a circuit point where the videowaveform is inverted, the sync pulses are positive and thevideo is negative. In this case, use " + " SLOPE.(5) Single sweepSingle sweep is used typically to sweep a nonperiodicwaveform once only.1. Set the TRIG MODE switch @ to AUTO or NORM. Foruse as trigger input, connect a signal of practically thesame amplitude and frequency as the signal to bedisplayed. Then set a trigger level.2. Set the TRIG MODE switch @ to REST. The LED label-ed " R E A D Y " will go on, indicating the trigger waitstate. The LED will go off upon completion of A sweep.3. Being sure that the " R E A D Y " LED is lit, connect thesignal to be observed, and set the TRIG MODE control@ to REST so that the unit is waiting for trigger. Oncethe signal is triggered, it will be swept once and the" R E A D Y " LED will go off.NOTE: Dual trace waveform cannot be observed if the ver-tical MODE is set to ALT. Use the CHOP mode in-stead.2 Cursor measurement4 V 1 : Set the MODE select switch @ to ALT andthe CURSORS select switch @ to 4 V 1 ,and two horizontal cursor lines are displayed onthe CRT and voltage difference between cursorlines calculated in accordance with setting ofthe CH1 VOLTS/DIV dial ® is displayed in theupper right on the CRT. By setting the CH1VARIABLE controller ® to the UNCAL posi-tion, voltage ratio is displayed.Move the cursors to the positions to bemeasured with the AREF controller © andA controller @ .AV2: Set the CURSORS select switch @ to AV2,voltage difference in accordance with the CH2range setting is displayed in the upper right on theCRT similarly with the above 4 V 1 .AT: Set the CURSORS select switch @ to AT,and two vertical cursor lines are displayed onthe CRT and time difference between the cur-sor lines calculated based on the sweep scalefactor displayed in the lower right is displayedin the upper right. By setting the SWEEPVARIABLE controller @ to the UNCAL posi-tion, time ratio is displayed.MAT: Set the CURSORS select switch @) to MAT,and two vertical cursor lines are displayed on theCRT and frequency between the cursor linescalculated based on the sweep scale factordisplayed in the lower right is displayed in the up-per right. By setting the SWEEP VARIABLE con-troller @ to the UNCAL position, phase dif-ference is displayed.[B] R E A D O U T O P E R A T I O N1 CRT surface readoutBy rotating the INTEN (READOUT/STORE) controller@ clockwise up to the very end, characters aredisplayed on the CRT. Adjust the brightness as necessi-ty requires. The CH1 and CH2 scale factors aredisplayed in the lower part of the CRT in accordancewith setting of the MODE select switch (jj) . The sweepscale factor is displayed in the lower right part. By pull-ing the < • POSITION/PULLx 10 MAG switch © , atenth scale factor of the SWEEP TIME/DIV dial @ isdisplayed. The calendar is displayed in the upper left.NOTE: If the DATA-ON/OFF switch on the bottom is setto the OFF position, the calendar and clock arenot displayed. To set the calendar and clock,refer to "Maintenance and Adjustment".When the readout values are displayed, brilliancemodulation may influence the real-timewaveform in some cases. In such a case, rotatethe INTEN (READOUT/STORE) control (ffj) fullycounterclockwise. The readout function will beturned OFF, and the brilliance modulation on thereal-time waveform will disappear.[ C ] O P E R A T I O N A S A D I G I T A L O S C I L L O S C O P E(1) In normal oscilloscope mode (DISPLAY MODE-REAL),adjust the y (up/down) position so that the GNDluminance line is at the center of the CRT.In this condition, the storage range is 4 div. from thecenter of the scale on the CRT for both the upper andlower section. If a voltage exceeding ± 4 div. is input,the storage waveform will be clamped and normalwaveform analysis will not be obtained.If this is the case, set the vertical input coupler to ACor DC, and check that the waveform to be stored inpresent on the CRT.Storage rangeExample when the GND luminance line is set at the centerof the CRT in DISPLAY MODE-REAL 17• GND luminance lineFig. 1 1 |
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