12) Cursor measurement1. In the same way as the ordinary measurement, adjustwaveforms to be measured to an easy-to-observe posi-tion.2. Set the cursor mode to A T.3. Adjust the A REF cursor to the left edge of the pulsesignal to be measured, and the A cursor to the rightedge.4. Measured value is displayed in the upper right part onthe screen posterior to A T.NOTE: The graticule on the CRT includes the 0, 10, 90,and 100% lines assuming that 5 divisions corres-pond to 100%. Use them as a reference for ac-curate measurements.Using the formula:Risetime = Horizontal distance (div) x (SWEEP TIME/DIVsetting) x " x 10 M A G " value"1(1/10)Adjust to the vertical scalewith < • P O S I T I O NRise timeFig. 44Fig. 438. PULSE RISETIME AND FALLTIMEMEASUREMENTS(1) Ordinary measurementFor risetime and falltime measurements, the 10% and90% amplitude points are used as starting and endingreference points.Procedure:1. Apply a signal to the INPUT jack. Set the vertical MODEto the channel to be used.Use the VOLTS/DIV and VARIABLE to adjust thewaveform peak-to-peak height to five divisions.2. Using the • POSITION control and the other controls,adjust the display such that the waveform is centeredvertically in the display. Set the SWEEP TIME/DIV to asfast a setting as possible consistent with observation ofboth the 10% and 90% points. Set the SWEEPVARIABLE control to CAL position.3. Use the POSITION control to adjust the 10% pointto coincide with a vertical graduation line and measurethe distance in divisions between the 10% and 90%points on the waveform. Multiply this by the SWEEPTIME/DIV and also by 1/10, if " x 10 M A G " mode wasused.[EXAMPLE]For the example, the horizontal distance is 3.3 divisions.The SWEEP TIME/DIV is 2 (/is/div). (See Fig. 44)Substituting the given value:Risetime = 3.3 (div)x2 (jts/div) = 6.6/xsRisetime and falltime can be measured by making use ofthe alternate step 3 as described below as well.4. Use the o POSITION control to set the 10% point tocoincide with the center vertical graduation line andmeasure the horizontal distance to the point of the in-tersection of the waveform with the center horizontalline. Let this distance be Dj. Next adjust the waveformposition such that the 90% point coincides with the ver-tical centerline and measure the distance from that lineto the intersection of the waveform with the horizontalcenterline. This distance is D2 and the total horizontaldistance is then D1 plus D2 for use in the above relation-ship in calculating the risetime or falltime.Using the formula:Risetime = (Dt + D2) (div) x (SWEEP TIME/DIVsetting)x"x 10 MAG" value"1(1/10)28Measured valuecursorR E F cursor