[EXAMPLE]For the example, when the horizontal distance betweentwo signals is 4.4 divisions. The SWEEP TIME/DIV is0.2 (ms/div). (See Fig. 40)Substituting the given value:Time = 4.4 (div) x 0.2 (ms/div) = 0.88 msComparison signal(2) Cursor measurement1. In the same way as the ordinary measurement, adjustwaveforms to be measured to an easy-to-observe posi-tion.2. Set the cursor mode to A 1.3. Adjust the A REF cursor to the left point time dif-ference between which is to be measured, and the A cur-sor to the right.4. Measured value is displayed in the upper right part onthe screen posterior to A T.Measured v a l u e -7. PULSE WIDTH MEASUREMENTS(1) Ordinary measurementPulse width can be measured as follows:Procedure:1. Apply the pulse signal to the INPUT jack. Set the verticalMODE switch to the channel to be used.2. Use the VOLTS/DIV, VARIABLE and • POSITION to ad-just the waveform such that the pulse is easily observedand such that the center pulse width coincides with thecenter horizontal line on the CRT screen.3. Set the SWEEP VARIABLE switch to CAL. Measure thehorizontal distance between the intersections of thepulse waveform and CRT center horizontal line in divi-sions, and multiply the measured distance by the valueindicated by SWEEP TIME/DIV. If the " x 10MAG"mode is being used, also multiply the product by 1/10.Using the formula:Pulse width = Horizontal distance (div) x (SWEEP TIME/DIVsetting) x " xMAG IC'value"1(1/10)Pulse length(at 5 0 % )Align the w a v e f o r mwith the center using* P O S I T I O NFig. 42[EXAMPLE]For the example, the distance (width) at the center horizon-tal line is 4.6 divisions and the SWEEP TIME/DIV is 0.2(ms/div.). (See Fig. 42)Substituting the given value:Pulse width = 4.6 (div) x 0.2 (ms/div) = 0.92 msFig. 4127Reference signalAdjust to the vertical scale" with P O S I T I O NHorizontal distance b e t w e e n 2 signalsFig. 40cursorR E F cursor