Phase difference = Horizontal distance of new sweep range(div)x45°/divNew SWEEP TIME/DIV settingx — - —Original SWEEP TIME/DIV settingAnother simple method of obtaining more accuracy quicklyis to simply use x 10 MAG for a scale of 4.5°/div.Measured value •Phase differenceOne cycle adjusted to occupy 8 div.(2) Cursor measurement1. In ordinary procedures 1 and 2, adjust waveforms to bemeasured to an easy-to-observe position.2. Adjust 1 cycle's waveform to 5 divisions with theSWEEP TIME/DIV. VARIABLE controller. Then movetwo waveforms to the center of the scale with the rPOSITION switches.3. Set the cursor mode to MAT.NOTE: When the SWEEP TIME VARIABLE switch is setto UNCAL, the unit is set to PHASE measure-ment mode.4. Bring the A REF cursor to the intersection of thephaseleading signal and center line of the horizontalscale, and bring the A cursor to the intersection ofthe phase-lagging signal and center line of the horizontalscale.5. Measured value is displayed in the upper right part onthe screen posterior to PHASE.Fig. 5010. TIME RATIO MEASUREMENT USINGCURSORSDuty ratio of square waves can be measured as follows:1. Supply signal into the INPUT terminal. Set the V. MODEswitch to the channel to be used, the AC-GND-DCselector switch to DC, and each switch so that ordinarysweep is displayed. Then adjust the VOLTS/DIV andSWEEP TIME/DIV for easy waveform observation.2. Turn the SWEEP TIME VARIABLE switch on to adjust 1cycle's waveform to 5 divisions on the screen with the< • POSITION switches as necessity requires.NOTE: When the SWEEP TIME VARIABLE switch is setto UNCAL, the unit is set to RATIO measurementmode.3. Set the cursor mode to AT.4. Adjust the A REF cursor to the left of the two pointsto be measured, and the A cursor to the right.5. Duty ratio with respect to the 5 div (100%) point isdisplayed percentagewise in the upper right part on thescreen posterior to RATIO.Fig. 51R E F cursor- cursorFig. 48Phase differenceExpanded sweep waveform display.Fig. 49 Measured valueR E F cursor cursor30