5. TIME MEASUREMENTS(1) Ordinary measurementTime between two points on a wave can be measured fromthe SWEET TIME/DIV value and horizontal distance bet-ween two points.Procedure:1. Apply the signal to be measured to the INPUT jack. Setthe vertical MODE to the channel to be used. Set theAC-GND-DC to DC, adjusting VOLTS/DIV and SWEEPTIME/DIV for a normal display. Set the VARIABLE con-trol to CAL position.2. < • POSITION control to set this point at the intersec-tion of any vertical graduation line. Using the • POSI-TION control, set one of the points to be used as areference to coincide with the horizontal centerline.3. Measure the horizontal distance between the twopoints.Multiply this by the setting of the SWEEP TIME/DIV con-trol to obtain the time between the two points. Ifhorizontal " x 10 MAG " is used, multiply this further by1/10.Using the formula:Time = Horizontal distance (div) x (SWEEP TIME/DIV set-t i n g ) x " x 10 M A G " value1(1/10)(2) Cursor measurement1. In the same way as the ordinary measurement, adjustthe waveform to be measured to an easy-to-observepoint.2. Set the cursor mode to AT.3. Adjust the A REF cursor to the left of the two pointto be measured, and the A cursor to the right.4. Measured value is displayed in the upper right part onthe screen posterior to A T.Fig. 39Adjust to the verticalscale with + *- P O S I T I O NHorizontal distanceb e t w e e n 2 signalsAdjust to horizontalcenter line witht P O S I T I O N[EXAMPLE]For the example, the horizontal distance between the twopoints is 5.4 divisions.If the SWEEP TIME/DIV is 0.2 ms/div we calculate. (SeeFig. 38)Substituting the given value:Time =5.4 (div) x 0.2 (ms/div) = 1.08 ms6. TIME DIFFERENCE MEASUREMENTS(1) Ordinary measurementTime difference between two synchronized signals can bemeasured as follows:Procedure:1. Apply the two signals to CH1 and CH2 INPUT jacks.Setting the vertical MODE to either ALT or CHOP mode.Generally for low frequency signals CHOP is chosenwith ALT used for high frequency signals.2. Select the faster of the two signals as the SOURCE anduse the VOLTS/DIV and SWEEP TIME/DIV to obtain aneasily observed display.Set the VARIABLE control to CAL position.3. Using the • POSITION control set the waveforms to thecenter of the CRT display and use the <«• POSITIONcontrol to set the reference signal to be coincident witha vertical graduation line.4. Measure the horizontal distance between the twosignals and multiply this distance in divisions by theSWEEP TIME/DIV setting.If " x 10 M A G " is being used multiply this again by1/10.Using the formula:Time = Horizontal distance (div) x (SWEEP TIME/DIVsetting) x " x 10 M A G " value"1(1/10)26Measured v a l u e -R E F cursor cursorFig. 38