SINE 4> = —AW h e r e = phase angleFig. 57 Phase shift calculationFig. 58 Typical phase measurement oscilloscope display* Frequency Measurement1. Connect the s i n e wave of known frequency to the chan-nel 2 INPUT jack of the oscilloscope and select X —Yoperation. This provides external horizontal input.2. Connect the vertical input probe (CH1 INPUT) to theunknown frequency.3. Adjust the channel 1 and 2 size controls for convenient,easy-to-read size of display.4. The resulting pattern, called a Lissajous pattern, showsthe ratio between the two frequencies.U n k n o w n frequency toVertical input, Standardfrequency to HorizontalinputSee noteS e e noteRatio of unknownto standard1/2:11:11-1/2:16:1Note: A n y one of these figures, dependingupon phase relationshipFig. 59 Lissajous waveforms used forf r e q u e n c y m e a s u r e m e n tAPPLICATION EXAMPLES A S A DIGITALSTORAGE OSCILLOSCOPEWaveform observation of a low-frequency signal, or singlephenomenon, etc., that is difficult with a normaloscilloscope can be made easily, and the applicable range isgreatly widened.Some application examples are described in the following:(1) Observation of the POWER RESET signal when swit-ching the power ON and OFFA POWER RESET signal occurs in all digital equipmentwhenever the power is switched ON/OFF. This is a dif-ficult waveform to observe with a conventionaloscilloscope because it is a transient, single-shotphenomenon. However, when used in storage mode,the waveform observation is quite easily made possi-ble.1 The relationship between the rising edge of the+ 5 V power supply and the RESET signal isshown.DISPLAY MODE : STORETRIGGERING MODE : SINGLE - PRE. TRIG.2.5 DIVTRIGGERING COUPLING : DCTRIGGERING SOURCE : CH1V-MODE : CHOP+ 5 VpowerResetsignalThis example shows the measured voltage of the+ 5 V power supply when the RESET signal is ac-tive during POWER OFF.34No amplitude distortion,no out of phaseAmplitude distortion,no out of phase 1 8 0 ° out of phaseNo amplitude distortion,out of phaseAmplitude distortion,out of phase 9 0 ° out of phaseR E F cursor Measured voluecursorThis example shows the time measured until theRESET signal is released after POWER ON.Measured valuecursor+ 5 Vpower., R E FcursorResetsignalFig. 60