F E A T U R E SThe model CS-8010 is a digital storage oscilloscopeavailable for dual-channel simultaneous sampling at themaximum sampling speed of 100 ns/word. With a storagecapacity of 8 bits x 2048 words, the CS-8010 offers aneasy waveform storage, having been subject to com-plicated operation heretofore. Used as a general-useoscilloscope, it features a wide frequency band from DC to20 MHz. The alphanumeris crt readouts function displaysthe calendar/clock, the vertical axis input sensitivity, andthe sweep time. The cursor function displays the voltagedifference and the time difference between two cursorlines on the CRT. With these functions, the CS-8010simplifies data collection through photography.1. Easy waveform observation of sudden (burst), single,and transient phenomena, etc. with the storage func-tion.2. Up to a X40 magnification with the trigger point as thecenter in the storage function. The PULL X10 MAG con-troller expands up to a maximum of X400 magnifica-) tion.3. Simultaneous display of the real-time waveform and thestorage waveform. Which facilitates comparing wave-forms by reference to the storage waveform.4. Simplified recording of the storage waveform using apen recorder.5. The pre triggering function enables observing wave-forms before triggering, having been impossible for ageneral-use oscilloscope currently in use.6. The readout function displays each scale factor on theCRT, eliminating troublesome confirmation of the rangefor waveform observation.When the provided probe PC-33 is used, the verticalsensitivity display on the CRT will be magnified by 10times.7. The cursor measurement mode displays, in letters, vol-tage difference, voltage ratio, time difference, time ra-tio, frequency, and phase difference corresponding tothe cursor movement. This display eliminates calcula-tion having been made by an operator, resulting in ac-curate waveform observation.8. Vertical axis has high sensitivity and wide bandwidthand especially covers fully specified frequency responseat 5 mV/div.9. Trigger coupling (HFrej) assures triggering of signalscontaining high-frequency noise.10. The FRAME-LINE switch provides selection of syncpulse for sweep triggering from small amplitude to largeamplitude without adjusting when viewing compositevideo waveforms.3