PACKET-6Command Name Short Description Parameter DefaultNPATH NPATH Specifies digipeater callsigns to be added when theUISSID parameter in a received packet is 8 or 12. Call1, ... call7 −NTSGRP NTSGRP Specifies a group code to be used for making a$PNTS sentence. 0 ~ 3 characters −NTSMRK NTSMRK Specifies a mark number to be used for making a$PNTS sentence. $00 ~ $14 $00NTSMSG NTSMSG Specifies a message to be used for making a $PNTSsentence. 0 ~ 20 characters −OVERKILL OVESpecifies the number of old messages to be deletedwhen the TNC mailbox does not accept a newmessage because the memory is full.0 ~ 255 0PACLEN P Specifies the maximum length of the data portion of apacket. 0 ~ 255 128PACTIME PACTIf set to EVERY, sends a packet at intervals of thespecified period (n). If set to AFTER, sends a packetonly once after the specified period (n). The unit of nis 100 milliseconds.EVERY/ AFTER n(n = 0 ~ 250) AFTER 10PERSIST PE Specifies a parameter to calculate probability for thePERSIST/SLOTTIME method. 0 ~ 255 128PPERSIST PP Causes the TNC to use the PERSIST/SLOTTIMEmethod when ON, or the DWAIT method when OFF. ON/ OFF ONRAMTEST RAMTEST Checks the RAM after clearing it. − −READ R Specifies one or more message numbers to be readfrom the TNC mailbox. − −RESET RESET Restores the default status for all the commands. − −RESPTIME RES Specifies the acknowledgment packet transmissiondelay. The unit of the parameter is 100 milliseconds. 0 ~ 250 5RESTART RESTART Causes the TNC to function as if it is switched OFFthen ON. − −RETRY RE Specifies the number of transmission retries. 0 ~ 15 10ROUTE ROU When ON and receiving a packet forwarded by aPBBS, leaves the included route information. ON/ OFF ONSENDPAC SE Specifies a character which forces a packet to be sent. 0 ~ $7F $0DSLOTTIME SLSpecifies the period of random number generationintervals for the PERSIST/SLOTTIME method. Theunit of the parameter is 10 milliseconds.0 ~ 250 3SPATH SPATH Specifies digipeater callsigns to be added when theUISSID parameter in a received packet is 9 or 13. Call1, ... call7 −STREAMCA STREAMCWhen ON and multiple connections take place,receiving a packet causes the TNC to display thecallsign.ON/ OFF ONSTREAMDB STREAMD When ON, causes the TNC to display a stream switchcharacter included in a received packet. ON/ OFF OFFSTREAMSW STR Specifies a character to be used for switching streams. 0 ~ $7F $01TOUT TOUTSpecifies the time-out time of the TNC mailbox. Whenno packet is received within the specified time, adisconnect takes place. The unit of the parameter is10 seconds.0 ~ 250 30TRACE TRAC When ON, causes the TNC to display all receivedpackets in their entirety. ON/ OFF OFFTRANS TCauses the TNC to exit Command mode and enterTransparent mode. To restore Command mode, pressand hold [Ctrl], then press [C] three times.− −