APRS-11PROGRAMMING POSITION DATAEnter Menu mode and access Menu 605.■ Select Position channelThis transceiver has 5 memory channels for storingposition data. Program latitude and longitude data forup to 5 locations from which you will often transmitAPRS packets. You can also name the 5 memorychannels.■ Name Entry You can enter alphanumeric characters plus specialASCII characters (up to 8 digits).■ Latitude Entry The north/ south latitude is entered.■ Longitude Entry The east/ west longitude is entered.Note: When selecting GPS in Menu 602 (GPS PORT), the positioninformation where it is set is not used.SETTING BEACON INFORMATIONEnter Menu mode and access Menu 606.■ Speed Information Select whether or not to transmit speed informationwhen using APRS data communications.■ Altitude Information Select whether or not to transmit altitude informationwhen using APRS data communications.• When the beacon type is “NAVITRA”, this information willnot appear on the display.■ Position Ambiguity There may be cases where you do not know or do notwant to report your precise locations. For position data,you can select the number of digits not to be includedin your packets. Select 1 to 4, or OFF (default). Thetable shows how the digits are cleared.OFF 1-DIGIT 2-DIGIT 3-DIGIT 4-DIGIT33°50.43 33°50.4 33°50. 33°5 . 33° .118°13.72 118°13.7 118°13. 118°1 . 118° .• When the beacon type is “NAVITRA”, this information willnot appear on the display.SELECTING A POSITION COMMENTEnter Menu mode and access Menu 607.The APRS data which you transmit always includes oneof the 15 predetermined position comments. Select anappropriate comment depending on your situation.The selectable comments are listed below:[Off Duty] [Enroute] [In Service] [Returning] [Committed][Special] [PRIORITY] [CUSTOM 0 ~ CUSTOM 6][EMERGENCY!]• If you select “Emergency!”, a confirmation message appears.Press the Tuning control again.ATTENTION: When it is unnecessary, never “EMERGENCY!”.When an emergency signal is received using APRS, theEmergency Alarm on all stations will sound.STORING STATUS TEXTEnter Menu mode and access Menu 608.■ Text Status text is another comment to transmit with positiondata. Unlike a position comment, you can make anydesired comment using a maximum of 42 alphanumericcharacters. This transceiver has 5 memory channelsfor preprogramming.1 Select a status text number.• Press [USE] to mark the currently used status textwith [ ].2 Enter your status text.■ Text Transmit Frequency Select the frequency on which to transmit the statustext when the APRS beacon is transmitted. You canselect [OFF], or [1/1] ~ [1/8] (APRS only).• 1/X means the status text will be transmitted X number oftimes. PreviousNext |