PACKET-7Command Name Short Description Parameter DefaultTRFLOW TRF When ON, causes the TNC to respond to softwareflow control from the computer in Transparent mode. ON/ OFF OFFTRIES TRI Specifies the number of transmission retriesprogrammed in the retry counter. 0 ~ 15 0TXDELAY TXSpecifies the time delay between PTT ON and startof transmission. The unit of the parameter is 10milliseconds.0 ~ 120 50TXFLOW TXFWhen ON, allows the TNC to send a softwareflow control (XON and XOFF) to the computer inTransparent mode.ON/ OFF OFFUICHECK UICDoes not forward the same UI packet as one receivedwithin the time specified by this command. The unit ofthe parameter is 1 second.0 ~ 250 28UIDIGI UIWhen receiving a UI packet which includes theparameter specified by this command, replaces theparameter with the MYCALL parameter and forwardsthe packet.OFF/ON Call1, ...call14OFFUIDWAIT UIDW When ON and digipeating, causes the TNC to use theDWAIT and PPERSIST settings. ON/ OFF OFFUIFLOOD UIFSpecifies how received UI packets, which includeWIDEN-N or TRACEN-N parameters, are processed.Enter WIDE or TRACE before ID, NOID, or FIRST; ex.WIDE,FIRST. With ID selected, deletes the relayeddigipeaters and adds the MYCALL parameter. WithNOID, merely decrements N-N; ex. 4-3 to 4-2. WithFIRST, adds the MYCALL parameter only whenserving as the first digipeater.ID/ NOID/ FIRST IDUISSID UIS When ON, causes the TNC to process received UIpackets depending on included destination SSIDs. ON/ OFF OFFUITRACE UITThe command name must be followed by up to 5alphanumeric characters; normally WIDE or TRACE.Causes the TNC to forward received UI packets whichinclude WIDEN-N or TRACEN-N parameters.− −UNPROTO USpecifies callsigns to send a packet in Unprotocolmode. Call1 is the callsign of the destination. Call2 tocall9 are callsigns of stations to be digipeated through.Call1 (VIA call2,call3 CQUSERS US Specifies the number of channels available to connectrequests. 0 ~ 10 1WRITE WAllows the TNC mailbox to store your message.In order to permit only a specific station to readyour message, enter a callsign after the commandname; ex. W JA1YKX. To complete message entry,press [Enter] (or [Return]), [Ctrl]+[C], then [Enter](or [Return]). For a subject, you can enter up to 30alphanumeric characters.− −XFLOW X Causes the TNC to perform software flow control whenON, or hardware flow control when OFF. ON/ OFF ON