SKY CMD-3CONTROL OPERATIONWhen in the Sky Command mode, the Microphone keysof the Commander will function as below. First switchON the HF transceiver and press Microphone [0] on theCommander.Each time you press the desired key, the Commanderwill automatically enter transmit mode and send thecorresponding control command to the Transporter.Key Function[1] (PWR) Power ON/ OFF[2] (RX) HF frequency receive ON/ OFF[3] (MODE) Modulation mode switch[4] (RIT) RIT ON/ OFF[5] (XIT) XIT ON/ OFF[6] (CLR) RIT offset or XIT offset clear[7] (SPLIT) Split-frequency ON/ OFF[8] (M>V) Transfer from Memory to VFO[9] (A/B) In VFO mode: VFO A/ VFO B switchIn Memory Recall mode: no change[0] (SYNC) Current settings retrieve (from HFtransceiver)[A] (MONI) To monitor the UHF band on theCommander[B] (M/V) VFO/ Memory Recall mode switch[C] (UP) XIT/ RIT offset frequency increase[D] (DOWN) XIT/ RIT offset frequency decrease[ ] 1 (FAST)In LSB, USB, or CW mode: 10 Hz/ 1 kHzswitchIn FM or AM mode: 1 kHz/ 10 kHz switch[#] 2(ENTER)In VFO mode: frequency entry ONIn Memory Recall mode: channel numberentry ON[PTT] To transmit audio on an HF frequency1 “FS” appears when you select 1 kHz step (LSB/ USB/ CW) or 10 kHzstep (FM/ AM).2 After pressing Mic [#], press Mic [0] to [9] to enter a frequency ormemory channel number.Note: To change the frequency or memory channel on the HFtransceiver, rotate the Tuning control.PROGRAMMING CALLSIGNSThe built-in TNCs of the Commander and Transportercommunicate each other when you send a controlcommand from the Commander. So you must programdifferent callsigns (9 digits max.) on these transceivers asthe IDs of the TNCs.Use the following Menu Nos. to program callsigns:On Commander700 COMMANDERCALLSIGN Callsign for Commander701 TRANSPORTERCALLSIGN Callsign for TransporterOn Transporter700 COMMANDERCALLSIGN Callsign for Commander701 TRANSPORTERCALLSIGN Callsign for Transporter1 Access Menu 700 or 701, then press the Tuningcontrol.• The callsign entry field appears; the first digit blinks.2 Rotate the Tuning control to select a character.• You can enter 0 to 9, A to Z, and –.3 Press [→].• The cursor moves to the next digit.4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 to enter up to 9 digits.[BACK]: Cancels entry of a callsign.[←]: Causes the cursor to move backward.[INS]: Inserts the currently selected character.[CLR]: Deletes the digit at which the cursor is blinking.5 Press the Tuning control to complete the setting.6 Press [ESC] to exit Menu mode.The keypad on the Microphone also is available toenter alphanumeric characters in step 2.PROGRAMMING A TONE FREQUENCYOn receiving a tone from the Commander, the Transportercauses the HF transceiver to enter Transmit mode. Onboth the Commander and Transporter, access Menu 702and select the desired, same tone frequency.