APRS-12QSY FUNCTIONThe QSY function uses AFRS (Automatic FrequencyReporting System) to report a frequency on which voicecommunications can be established. A station usingthe QSY function embeds the frequency information in aposition beacon transmission. A receiving station of thisinformation can change frequency, or QSY, over to thereported voice frequency to begin voice communication bythe select of [TUNE].Transmitting QSY InformationA properly configured functioning TM-D710 QSY stationcan automatically embed the voice frequency from thenon-data band to the beginning of status text. This isthe mechanism used for automatically transmitting thefrequency information.The format of the transmitted frequency is FFF.FFF MHz.So, for example, if at the time of a beacon transmission,the non-data band has a frequency of 446.100 MHzselected, then the frequency of “446.100MHz” getsembedded to the beginning of the status text. If youconfigure in any of Statuses 1 through 4 the frequencyof “446.100MHz” at the beginning of the status textmessages, then this fixed frequency will be transmittedas QSY information along with the beacon transmission.In addition to frequencies, there are fields where youcan send other settings such as Wide/Narrow, Tone/CTCSS/DCS, Shift (+/-), and Offset frequency simply by-leaving one space between each value. Therefore, otherinformation besides just a frequency can be sent.QSY Information Format:(Insert one space after the frequency before enteringWide/Narrow, Tone/CTCSS/DCS and Shift/Offset.)• “T079”: An upper case “T” indicates Wide. Tone frequency of79.7 Hz. (Encoding)• “t079”: A lower case “t” indicates Narrow. Tone frequency of79.7 Hz. (Encoding)• “tOFF”: A lower case “t” indicates Narrow. Tone = OFF(Without any tone Encoding or Decoding.)• “C079”: An upper case “C” indicates Wide. CTCSSfrequency of 79.7 Hz. (Encoding/ Decoding)• “c079”: A lower case “c” indicates Narrow. CTCSS frequencyof 79.7 Hz. (Encoding/ Decoding)• “D023”: An upper case “D” indicates Wide. DCS code of 023.(Encoding/ Decoding)• “d023”: A lower case “d” indicates Narrow. DCS code of 023.(Encoding/ Decoding)• “+” : Plus Shift (A default offset frequency is applied.)• “–” : Minus Shift (A default offset frequency is applied.)• “+500” : Plus Shift, 5 MHz Offset• “–060”: Minus Shift, 600 kHz OffsetThe value of the Offset shall be a 3-digit number. (x 10kHz/ 50 kHz step)Refer to the website for QSY Information Format:http://aprs.org/info/freqspec.txt (as of April 2011)■ Operation when Receiving a QSY1 Select text setting number 5.• Frequency information is imbedded to the first 10characters of the status text message.2 Enter the status text message.3 When QSY (frequency) information is received, thestation list appears (list summary and details) withthe verified frequency. Press [TUNE].• The QSY (frequency) is set to the non data band.Note: When using 6.5 kHz or 12.5 kHz step values, the displaydoes not indicate values for 100 Hz and lower.SETTING PACKET FILTEREnter Menu mode and access Menu 609.■ Position Limit If APRS is popular in your area, you may receive toomany APRS packets for a short period. If this disturbsyour APRS activities, specify a distance from yourlocation. You will not receive APRS packets fromstations beyond this distance.Select the range from 10 to 2500 in steps of 10, plusOFF (default). The unit is mile or kilometer dependingon the selection in Menu 626 (DISPLAY UNIT 1).■ Packet Filter Type The APRS position data is filtered.• Check the type(s) you want to receive.• If all types are checked, you will receive all types of data. PreviousNext |