Kenwood TS-140S Instruction Manual
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() SQL (Squelch) controlNote:This function operates in the FM mode only.This control is used to eliminate atmospheric noise,and receiver static noise during no signal periods.Slowly rotate the control clockwise to the pointwhere the ambient noise just disappears, andspeaker shuts off. This point is known as the squelchthreshold point. Now you will only hear output fromthe speaker when an incomming signal is present.For weak signal reception this control should be fullycounterclockwise.@2 AF gain controlTurn the knob to increase or decrease the volume.Clockwise rotation increases the volume andcounterclockwise rotation decreases the volume.Note:The output level of the ’’Beep’’ is not affected by thesetting of the AF gain control.@3 CW OFF/SEMI/FULL (Break-in) switchThis switch affects the transmit/receive recoverytime. In the SEMI position the transceiver will keywhen the key is depressed and remain in the transmitposition until a preset delay has been reached. In theFULL position the transceiver will switch back toreceive as soon as the key is released, thus allowingyou to copy incoming signals between characters.The CW switch must be in the FULL position whentransmitting a carrier for antenna adjustments, etc.PWR (Power) controlPower can be controlled in the FM, LSB, and USBmodes only. In CW this control functions as theCARRIER level adjustment. This control should beadjusted so that the pointer on the meter remainswithin the ALC section marked on the meter, in theCW transmit mode, and for 40 watts of un-modulated power output in the AM mode.[50 MHz : 4 watts (TS-680S only)](§ MIC gain controlMicrophone gain can be adjusted during USB, LSB,and AM operations. Gain is increased by moving thecontrol to the right.(6 RF GAIN controlThis control adjusts the gain of the receiver high-frequency amplifier section.For normal receiver performance, and maximumgain, this control should be all the way to the right. Ifyou are having trouble copying the desired signalmake a note of the stations peak S-meter reading.Then, adjust the RF control left, so that the meterneedle is stationary at this level. Now, all signals thatwere less than the desired signal will be attenuated,such as static noise, etc., making reception easier.If the incoming signal pegs the S-meter you can alsoreduce the receiver gain by moving the RF GAIN con-trol to the left. The S-meter pointer will always ad-vance up-scale as the RF control is moved to the left,as a visual reminder that the gain of the radio hasbeen reduced.Simultaneous use of the RF GAIN control and AGCswitchIf a strong signal (such as a local station) appears inthe vicinity of the intended receive signal, theS-meter may show unusual deflection due to theAGC voltage developed from the strong disturbingsignal. If this occurs, move the RF GAIN control tothe left so the meter pointer remains at about theoriginal deflection peak and turn the AGC switch tothe FAST position. This will reduce the unwantedAGC voltage and permit clear reception.@ NB LEVEL controlControls the noise blanker operating level.Use only the minimum level necessary.(8 NB 2 switchNoise blanker 2 is used for long duration pulse noise,like the ‘‘woodpecker’’. To reduce ‘‘woodpecker’’radar noise interference, set switch NB 2 to the ONposition (NB 2's effectiveness depends on thespecific type of interference). If you use NB 2 forshort duration pulse noise, the receive tone maybecome distorted, making it difficult to hear.Unfortunately no noise blanker can remove all dif-ferent types of interference; but the two noiseblankers that have been provided in the TS-140S/680S are effective in most cases.Ifthereisno‘‘woodpecker’’present, theswitchshould beintheOFFposition.NB 1 switchFor pulsetypenoise,suchasgenerated byautomotiveignitionsystems,turntheNB1switchON.Whenpulsatingnoise,suchasthatcaused byautomobileignitionsisencountered,place theNB1switchON.Thisswitchwillnothelptoeliminateatomosphericorlinenoises, only pulsetypenoise.@ RIT switchPress to turn the RIT ON or OFF.@) 1 MHz switchThisswitchisusedtodetermineiftheUP/DOWNswitcheswillfunctionin1MHzstepsoronlythrutheamateurbands.Whenthe 1MHzstep positionisselected, the1MHzindicatorwill light.@ UP/DOWN switchesPressing theUP switch increases the frequency, andpressing theDOWNswitch decreasesit.11 |
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