6-6-3. Sidetone LevelTurn VR21 while holding down the key in the USB,LSB, or CW mode for the desired tone level.6-6-4. Beep Tone LevelTurn VR23 to the desired tone volume.6-6-5. Adjusting the Data CommunicationsModulation Input Level.Set the input level for the desired modulation levelwith VR-1. Input is reduced by turning the controlcounterclockwise, and increased by turning clock-wise.6-6-6. Microphone sensitivity levelSelect the desired sensitivity by adjusting VR5.Sidetone levelMicrophoneThe date communications modulation input level Beep tone level6-6-7. Semi Break-in Delay TimeIn the CW mode, turn the DELAY control for thedesired delay time.osmiANT©{|eie) oOANTIworeLL]Semi break-in delay time6-6-8. Linear Amplifier ControlThe external control relay is not activated at the fac-tory so that the operation of the radio will remain atthe lowest mechanical noise level during CW Fullbreak-in operations. If the use of this control relay isrequired, such as for use with an external linearamplifier it may be activated with the following pro-cedure.1.Remove the top and bottom covers of thetransceiver. Refer to Sections 6-6-1 and 6-6-2.2. Set the slide switch (S1) on the signal unit to ONas shown in the accompanying diagram.34sensitivity leve12voltsatapproximately10mA maximumisavailableatpinnumber7oftheREMOTEconnectorforcontrolofanexternalkeyingrelay,ifnecessary.Werecommendthe useofa7pinDINplugforthisconnection.WhenoperationofthistransceiverwiththeTL-922/922Aisanticipatedyoushouldusethecontrolcablesupplied withthelinearamplifier.Note:The TL-922/922A is NOT designed for Full Break-inoperation. Attempting operation of the linear in thismode might lead to damage in the linear amplifier.Ensure the CW switch is in the SEMI or OFF positionbefore operating the TL-922/922A.6-6-9. Digital display calibration1.Removethecaseandopenthesubchassis.Pleaserefer toSections6-6-1and6-6-2.Caution:Openonaflatsurface.2.Plug theaccessorycalibrationcabletoanyoneoftheTP1pinsatupperleftofthesignalunit.3.Plugtheotherendofthecalibrationcableto PinTP7onthe controlunitinbottom.4.ConnectyourantennaandtunetoWWV.5.Usingasmallflatbladedscrewdriveradjusttrim-mercapacitorTC1ofthecontrolunit, forzerobeat.Zerobeatisthe pointwherethetwoaudiotonesareoscillatingattheslowestrate.6.Thereferencefrequencyhasbeencalibratedcor-rectly.7. Pull out the calibration cable.TP1pa] i}vatic)vr2308“—}- TP7vR5al revel TTfe CTT OTT)= ta ts cad Ls aSignal unit /Control unit