4-2-3. ReceivingPOWER switch : OFF (=) RIT control : Center IF SHIFT control : CenterRIT2 eTaccRSENORECA PROC AALCIPWRO ATT mnsrSGwO VOX[| POWER kd 2 Use use -M.CH SCAN AVEO SPUT + ar ocr Su eupeng teow auew 88. 8. 8. &. -8.8} |- + ||GD SQL control :20N OFF Se =a ie ea Fully counterclockwiseE == 15.140 = SS ==) :PHONES. EKENWOOD = ——— = AF gain control :FANCTION a ae ,EMORY M.chivro cH re ( Fully counterclockwiseFLoGeY [WFOMY [Reuey | ee MOAX te ax[Mev ‘SCAN \ ‘CWIN ‘SPLITRE —— By cles RF GAIN(MINS) (CEA [AM/FM AsB sPe) a control : MAX(ORD eaNOUB | ms wT Ne: NeNB LEVELcontrol : CenteroY|OFF (m) | OFF(m)REC (m) SLOW (m)Note:All segments on the Display Panel and Indicators areshown on for this explanation.1. Preset the controls as shown in the accompanyingillustration.2. Turn on the DC power supply (Fixed station) andthen turn the transceiver’s power switch ON. Thedisplay panel will indicate as shown below.usB AVFOruUnnnsnet LI Le LSNote:If the display is not as shown reset themicroprocessor using the procedure in Section4-4-2.3. Select the desired mode using one of the MODEkeys.4. Adjust the AF gain control for the desired volume.5. Press the UP/DOWN switches to select thedesired frequency band.6. Slowly rotate the TUNING knob until the desiredsignal can be heard clearly.4-2-4. Dual Digital VFO’sOperational convenience can be enhanced thru theuse of both VFO A and VFO B.Two VFO’s are provided to allow you to change fre-quencies rapidly. You could set one VFO to the lowertuning range and the other VFO to the upper tuninglimit. You can set either VFO to any frequency youdesire.(a)A=B keyDepressing this key causes the data contained inthe inactive VFO (the VFO that is not currently be-ing displayed) to change to the same data contain-ed in the active VFO (the one currently displayed).Both the frequency, mode and antenna selectionare changed.OFF(=)For example:VFO A is set at 7 MHz in LSB, and VFO B is21 MHz in USB. VFO A is the active VFO (showon the display). Depressing the A=B key willcause VFO B to change to 7 MHz in LSB.(b)A/B keyAllows selection of the desired active VFO. Eachtime this key is depressed the active VFO willalternate between VFO A and VFO B.(c)SPLIT keyAllows the use of one VFO for transmit, and theother for receive (Split Frequency operation).For example:VFO A is the active VFO, and VFO B is the inactiveVFO. Depressing the SPLIT key will cause the TS-140S/680S to receive on VFO A and transmit onVFO B. The mode of reception and transmissionwill follow the mode contained in the appropriateVFO memory. It is possible to work cross band,cross mode if desired.To avoid confusion during contest, or pile-upoperations we recommend using VFO A forreceive and VFO B for trasmit.4-2-5. Frequency Step1. The frequency step is set automatically dependingon the mode that has been selected.Frequency StepMode | USB/LSB/aan CW/CWN AM/FMFrequency step 10 Hz 100 HzOne revolutionof TUNING knob | 10 kHz ae17